Wasatch Moose (Pics and Story)



LAST EDITED ON Sep-27-11 AT 04:32PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Sep-27-11 AT 03:49?PM (MST)

Okay, so here goes... I posted some pics of my Wasatch Bull Moose last week and had some requests for the story.
It all started when I got a call from my credit card companies fraud dept asking if the charges to my credit card for $408.00 were legit from the DWR... Holy cow! I couldn't beleive it, of course I told her yes as I was hoopin and hollering on the phone (sitting in my doctors office waiting room). So, I called the DWR and they wouldnt tell me anything... just said the results will be posted soon. To say I was surprised was an understatement as I drew the tag with only 2 (two) pref points!
Fast forward to August, I had narrowed my hunt down to 2 areas that I knew well and held good populations of moose... American Fork Canyon and Currant Creek/ Red Creek Area. I decided to hunt the AF Canyon first then go down to Currant Creek a few days later if I hadnt filled my tag. Anyway, i had scouted several times up AF Canyon and these are some of the scouting pics





Here is the moose I ended up taking, this pic was taken 1 week prior to me harvesting him.


I had decided after five scouting trips that I would take that last bull if I found him again and if I hadnt seen anything bigger yet AND if my son was with me (most important thing was that I wanted him to be with me. So we set out on horseback and went up to Silver Lake (above Tibble Fork)


Only spotted a cow and her calf up there, saw three bucks though... 2 of which were pretty decent 4 points! So we headed back down the canyon to try another canyon, so we loaded up the truck and went up to Timpanooke area... Didnt see any moose but man, what a gorgeous ride!



So we decided to try a few more canyons... On our way up one canyon we had met a real nice guy that told us of a few moose that he had some trail cam pics of, One of the moose was a shooter so we went looking for him (by the way, the guy that we met on the trail ended up hunting with us the rest of the day! Super nice guy. Well, we didn't end up finding that moose. So we said goodbye to our new friend and went searching up some canyons. About an hour later, we heard a truck honking and it was the guy that we had met earlier in the day. We literally raced our horses down the hill to meet him, he had spotted moose and wanted us to take a look at it. We went with him, found the moose and had determined that it was the same moose that we had scouted the week prior. I decided to go after him, even though I knew there were bigger moose up there I had my son and my brother in law with me. my son was only able to hunt for two days with me and I really wanted him to share the moment with me.
The moose was bedded down and I needed him to stand up for a good shot, it was 7:30 and didnt have much light left... So I wasnt going to just wait for him to stand up, i needed to make it happen. He was up hill from me and in pretty thick cover, so I snuck up to him until I got thirty yards away, he turned his head but did not get up.... I crept a little closer and at 20 yards he stood up! Man was his body huge! I pulled the trigger on my Savage 30.06 and hit him in the heart with a 180 grain bullet! He ran about 10 yards then stopped... I shot him again, this time I hit both lungs, he took two steps and was down! He dropped about 10 yards from where I was standing! (I was a little nervous!)



My son and brother law ran up to me, my son handed me his new Buck knife that he had received from his grandpa for his birthday 2 weeks prior and the work began. Man, his guts must have weighed 200 pounds, couldnt believe it!

After I got him gutted, we cut him in half and hauled him to my truck with the game cart. We were able to position the truck on a hill so that we just wheeled the moose right onto the truck! No lifting required!

Great story made even better that your son was there with you. Again, congrats on a beautiful bull.

What I forgot to mention in the story was that we found that moose 10 miles from where we had seen him the week before!

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