Wasatch Front Hills


Very Active Member
It seems that the news is showing someone getting lost or hurt at least once a week. My question is.... are the hills really that hostile? or are these people just local idiots? I am not from the salt lake area and have been exploring a couple spots lately for scouting purposes, I just dont see how all these accidents are happening.

Maybe I am not doing it right.

Rub some dirt on it, ya sissy!
the stories you hear about the Wasatch Front are all true......if anything they are being conservative.......the Wasatch Front is a beast!!!!... I'd stay well away if I were you......there's nothing good in them hills to hunt anyway.......
Yup Midnight's been out there attackin people with shovels...better watch yer ass up there he don't like no out of staters in his hills!!

It's rough. Lots of cliffs and rocks in places. I've been in a couple of sticky situations up there. That said, be careful, use your head and you'll be just fine.
It's TRUE, the Wasatch is a BEAST!! And to quote something SWBUCKMASTER would say: "There are NO DEER (or Elk) on the Wasatch!" - Well Said!

Honestly, it's the people who don't use thier heads and push to far past thier limits and equipment that seem to get in the most trouble. Sure, accidents happen and IT IS rough country, but Common Sense should be your most used Back Country equipment - IMHO!

?-ERock-> ?
Self explanitory, you have thousands of people living at the footstep of a mountain range that is easily accessible. People get bored and decide to go for a hike and get injured, others got to tend to their pot crops and have to stab potential threats with man made sharp stuff. Just make sure your prepared before you leave home. Carry a can of "kill em' dead" for those would-be attackers and keep both eyes on the trail, especially when backing up, you don't want to fall off one of them cliffs that seem to be everywhere!
The Wasatch is just like any other mountain range. The only difference is the people, they breed them really dumb there.
"STUPID" people shouldn't breed.

Life is hard.......It's even harder if you're dumb.
There are some nasty spots on the Wasatch.

Coming from one that fell a ways off one.......and met some right nice helicopter folks as a result. :)

LAST EDITED ON Jun-26-10 AT 10:40AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jun-26-10 AT 10:38?AM (MST)

The Wasatch Mountains is Mother of all Beasts....Laker fans included.....and here's my own experience to prove it. Once I left at 3:00 am from a trailhead with no name....and never returned. Another time I had to eat rocks for a week and sleep with another guys pants on at night....That one ended awkwardly. Last summer on the Wasatch I was spilunking into one of my favorite ambush locations and got man-raped by father sasquatch himself. I don't care what the biologists say....he's not gentle. Three times in the past year I have lost toes to frostbite...and they werent even my toes. The Wasatch is the mother load of badness and death. Run for hills, hunters of beasts. Go to other safer and gentler places to hunt your deer. Places where big bucks frolic and play and run in herds of 30 or more! Stay away from the Wasatch where the Hills are steep, the women are flat, and the bucks are gone forever!!!! There are no big bucks on the Wasatch!!
You guys need to work on not being obvious about trying to keep people from hunting that mtn.


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