Wasatch Extended Archery HELP!!!



Does anyone out ther know where a good place to go on the Wasatch extended archery hunt????

i'm from Tooele county and have yet to go out on the extended hunt, just looking for some tips on where i will have the best luck for putting meat in my freezer and on my bbq...thanks

Backstrap BBQ-Mossyoak_15
I would say this is one unit that you most likely won't get much help. I know guys that wont tell their own family their hunting spots on the front. And the advice you will get will be "start hiking" which is true because without much snow you need to get way up high. If you can find snow, hunt the snow line. Good luck.
I also have friends that are begging me to take them out. Well, sorry, but I wont tell them even the trails that I start at. I will tell you to hit anywhere between Parleys canyon and Little cottonwood. Its getting so bad up there in November that its almost scary. 9000 people chasing the few remaining bucks. When we 1st started up there, there were bucks and does all over. NOW, we are lucky to see 1-2 bucks an outing. Its not all that its cracked up tp be. Its going dwon hill and fast. Dont get me wrong, there are still good deer up there. I have 2 on my hit list. But, good luck. Hike HIKE HIKE!!!
I second the previous posters as well but will simply add to find a good place to glass from and spot the deer first. then hit the trail and make it happen. Might save you a little energy and help you see more deer.

Just my $0.02

Good luck!

"The problem with quotes on Internet Forums is that it is often difficult to verify their authenticity." - Abraham Lincoln
I have passed on this hunt for the last 2 years. I need to go get my tree stand :)
I have shot 5 bucks up there over the years, but have had enough of it.
It is fun, but man it seems to be getting tougher all the time.
But hey, maybe I am just getting older.
Go anywhere that has been pointed out, take one of the many trails, then start looking.

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