Wasatch Bull Moose Pics.... Good Antler Growth


Active Member

Whoever has a wasatch Bull Moose Tag, better get their archery skills polished up as I think the biggest bulls in the unit are on the Archery Only part of the unit.

Here is one that already has some good growth as of Saturday.

LAST EDITED ON Jun-04-07 AT 02:32PM (MST)[p]oh yeah, I took this pic through a Vortex Skyline ED spotting scope at somewhere between 600 - 800 yards.

There is no archery only for the Wasatch moose hunt.
With it being a Once in a lifetime hunt you are allowed to hunt with any weapon in your boundries.
There are some specific rules and regulations pertaining to the areas surrounding Salt lake County.
Check the proclamations for special ruleings, or call the DWR head office and they will explain them.
So are you saying that you can hunt the cottonwood canyons with a rifle? If so, this is a major development and I know where I'll be putting in from now on.

So you are saying I need to look in Front portion of my Wasatch Moose Unit?haha The bull I had watched for the past 3 years was shot last year, and of course I drew the tag this year. That is a great picture. I have held off scouting, but I after seeing your photo I think I'll head out this next week to see how they are growing. I am familiar with about 20% of the unit, the other 80% will be a chore to scout in the next 3 months. Please post any other photos you have, as it is always fun to see how they grow.

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