Warden shot...

LAST EDITED ON Feb-17-14 AT 01:11PM (MST)[p]Manny, i read about this yesterday but can't seem to dig up where i read it. Basically, if i remember correctly or this is how i took it anyway, seems the Warden was sneaking up on a couple guys who were camped out after dark. Somehow the Warden got shot. It was the guys who shot that helped him get to the hospital.

Maybe it pays to not try to sneak up on some campers after dark!

I hope the Warden a fast recovery!!


Edit, OK, i found the link...


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Still, even with the link, just how the Warden got shot hasn't been detailed. He could have been sneaking, Wild Justice like, or heck, he might have just rolled up in his rig and got popped.

No charges against the Hunters so that says something right there.

I wanted to be a Warden in Cali from a young age. Color Blindness, fairly extensive, stopped me cold!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Find it a little hard to swallow that warden was shot snooping and pooping out in the dark! Do you get to shoot first in theses parts then ask what you want? If that is the case I love Vs!
Guys, I just saw this thread and thought I'd add what I heard directly from a warden who is a friend of mine. It seems the warden was watching a father/son who were hunting at night in a coyote contest. He was watching them from his pickup, using night vision gear. Somehow, they shot him through the window of his pickup, with a 243. I guess the bullet came apart upon going through the window, and broke a rib and he got some injury from either broken glass or bullet fragments in his neck.

But for the bullet going through the window first, it might have killed him. Yes, the father and son came running to help him as soon as they realized what they'd done.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-22-14 AT 10:00PM (MST)[p]Thanks for the update CA, been watching the Calif F&G news to see if any update, if more facts were available but not much mentioned.

Speedy recovery to the Warden!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
I always hate it when a warden wearing night vision goggles in his truck looks like a fox or coyote.:)

Sorry, I don't mean to make fun but there must be more to the story?
Well, it's funny but not funny, my grandson was the first officer on the scene, he gave me a little more info, seems the father and son were legally spotlighting and the officer was watching then thru night vision, they put the spotlight on him quite a few times and when they did he turned away, if he was using binocs the reflection could look like an animal that looked the other way each time, not excusing them mistakes were made on both sides, when they shot and he started yelling they laid their guns down and ran to help, apparently he cuffed them both and called it in as an officer wounded, 2 in custody, I guess he realized he needed their help and uncuffed them, sad situation, shooting without knowing what your target is, could have been a deer or cow,I imagine that charges will be filed.
"thought there was no hunting at night in cali. period"

Within certain areas of Cailf, "Furbearing mammals and nongame mammals may be taken with the aid of a spotlight or other artificial light operated from a vehicle provided such vehicle is stopped and standing with the motor off. No spotlight may be used from a vehicle which is on a public road or highway."


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
>"thought there was no hunting at
>night in cali. period"
>Within certain areas of Cailf,
>"Furbearing mammals and nongame mammals
>may be taken with the
>aid of a spotlight or
>other artificial light operated from
>a vehicle provided such vehicle
>is stopped and standing with
>the motor off. No spotlight
>may be used from a
>vehicle which is on a
>public road or highway."

>"It's all about knowing what your
>firearms practical limitations are and
>combining that with your own
>personal limitations!"

You have to use a light I believe 9volts or less. Basically something that can't be plugged into a vehicle. However you can use whatever you want in depredation as long as the department is previously notified. Meaning a 12 volt from the truck. But that gets a little tricky has to be your livestock that are threatened
Thanks Joey just dug into the regs. and found what you said is correct(wasn't doudting you)didn't know that I live in an area that can't be hunted spotlight ##### but the area I hunt in you can hunt with a 9 volt batter or less it says might have to clean up the old flashlight so I read it that just about most of Kali you can use a light of some sorts.cowboy57 GO BLUE

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