War Movies?



Besides reflecting on the sacrifices our Vets made for our freedom my favorite thing to do on Veterans Day is watch war movies.

What is your favorite war movie? I'll have to go with ?The Longest Day?

Hands down Band of Brothers trumps all. Saving Private Ryan was good, but the story never explored much of the other characters other than Ryan and the Captain. In Band of Brothers Most of Easy Company member's storys are explained to the viewer, you CARE when someone dies and it really affects you. Heck just seeing the interviews with the real people leading into each episode, telling THEIR story, brings tears to my eyes.

Its just an exceptional show and I am EXCITED they are making a new series, based in the Pacific, called... The Pacific.

>Hands down Band of Brothers trumps
>all. Saving Private Ryan was
>good, but the story never
>explored much of the other
>characters other than Ryan and
>the Captain. In Band of
>Brothers Most of Easy Company
>member's storys are explained to
>the viewer, you CARE when
>someone dies and it really
>affects you. Heck just seeing
>the interviews with the real
>people leading into each episode,
>telling THEIR story, brings tears
>to my eyes.
>Its just an exceptional show and
>I am EXCITED they are
>making a new series, based
>in the Pacific, called... The

Is Tom Hanks involved?
DallanC I have never seen the Band of Brothers series, guess I need to. The scene in Saving Private Ryan, where the two soldiers are in hand to hand combat on the second story of the building while all hell is breaking loose around them, and the German gets on top of the American with his knife, and the American knows he is about to die, that has haunted me for years. I did feel that, I believe I knew the exact realization and panic the American was feeling. Took me a long time before I could see that movie again.
>DallanC I have never seen
>the Band of Brothers series,
>guess I need to.
>The scene in Saving Private
>Ryan, where the two soldiers
>are in hand to hand
>combat on the second story
>of the building while all
>hell is breaking loose around
>them, and the German gets
>on top of the American
>with his knife, and the
>American knows he is about
>to die, that has haunted
>me for years. I
>did feel that, I believe
>I knew the exact realization
>and panic the American was
>feeling. Took me a
>long time before I could
>see that movie again.

dont even rent Band of Brothers just buy it 45 to 60 bucks and worth every dime.
My favorite 5:

Saving Private Ryan
Band of Brothers
The Sands of Iwo Jima
Top Gun - yeah I know, not a real war but cool as hell!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Just got off the phone with my dad. Thanked him for serving WWII and he said it was nothing everybody did. He's probably right, those days everybody pitched in and made sacrifices. He won't watch war movies as they are bad reminders. I watch them though as I never served and it does show us in a small way what the Vets have done.

Ransom & eel, tell your dads thanks for me. I'm having a hard night. My dad would have been 84 tomorrow. Wish I could give my hero one more hug.

>dont even rent Band of Brothers
>just buy it 45 to
>60 bucks and worth every

Ditto. Buy it off Ebay or something... worth every time.

Band of Brothers and Saving Private Ryan.

Funny thing is, very few if any soldiers of that period, consider themselves heros. Just doing whatever it took to do the job. I guess in a way, that makes them all heros.

By the way, I know that todays American soldiers are cut from the same mold. After all, they are the sons and daughters of that generation. I swell with pride everytime I see a military person in uniform. We're in good hands!

"I swell with pride everytime I see a military person in uniform. We're in good hands!"

Thanks! Well said!

Band of Brothers
Full Metal Jacket

I also want to thank all my fellow veterans.
USAF 1967-1979
7 years South East Asia, 2 in Viet Nam

Military personel should be the highest paid people in this country!!
any marine movie, but some the army ones are pretty good too.
1 full metal jacket
2 heartbreak ridge
3 windtalkers
4 we were soldiers
5 black hawk down
6 even though its not american it was how war was 300
Thanks to my fellow vetrans semper fi
USMC 1999-2003
US ARMY 2005-2007
I just finished watching Saving Private Ryan again.
Chills & tears every time.
I'll never forget when I saw it on the big screen.
I was in Anchorage Alaska.
The theater was completley mesmorized for the duration of the movie and everyone left the movie house in complete silence (with teary eyes, I suppose).

My three absolute favorite movies of all time.
Saving Private Ryan.
Brave Heart.
True Grit.

Lots of good ones mentioned... like Black Hawk, Saving Ryan, etc..

Sands of Iowa Gema is my favorite.
Some more;
They were Expendable
Tears of the Son
Twelve o'clock High
Where Eagles Dare
Great Escape

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