I run the HitMan 35 a while back because my Puter was jumping all over the Place when I went to Google,it straightened it out till now!

I think all my anti-virus downloads are out of date/Expired?

Kept getting messages saying 'Your Anti-virus needs renewed,well I ignored them and I guess I shouldn't have?

Now I've got this 'Spot list' crap popping up wanting a credit card & it's also changed my main page to Blue with a big old Warning that my Puter might be infected!

Just wondering if somebody might know a link that will fix this POS?

Thanks everybody,I'm lacking in Puter Skills,last time I put my fist through the Screen only to find out later I hit the wrong box!:D
Bobs the guru....
But I use the free Avast antivirus- it keeps my PC in good shape
and cleaned up my dads computer- which was a mess.

I liked it so much I ended up paying them- though its the same as the free version I suppose. CNET is a good resource.
If you get more than 1 antivirus program they work against eachother.

Hit up drymountains son, he used to own a puter store. He fixed my wifes desktop.

Well B-PLOP, I guess we'll just curl up in a ball & die when our 'puters - cell phones - GPS's croak. I sometimes think even TV is adding way more stress in our lives than we need. Honestly what have we gained?



"The Road goes on forever & the Party never Ends"
Hello Bob!

No,I haven't seen that pop-up(Yet!)

Installed & Updated my AVG with your link,1.7 miilion objects scanned!

Had the 'SPOT' Virus on it!

Anyway,I've run on FireFox for years with way less problems than Internet Explorer!

I can't open FireFox,something is still screwed up,I'm running on Internet Exolorer right now just so I can use this damn thing!

Thanks everybody for the help!

Special Thanks to WapatiBob!

Gonna toy with it some more(You know,push a few more buttons!:D)

Thanks again!
OK Guys here's one more deal!

I'm resetting up on Internet Explorer!

Went to download an Adobe Flashplayer & got nailed with a Virus and the others I tried won't let me go through with the Install!

Anybody got a link for an Adobe Flashplayer that might work?

Thanks again!
I was having problems with my flash player in Firefox and went to google chrome and it is much better. I'm a chrome man now. Don't know if that actually helps you at all.
you can try running firefox in "safe" mode.

It's on the start menu, mozilla firefox, there will be 2 firefox's, one is the safe mode.

>Anyway,I've run on FireFox for years
>with way less problems than
>Internet Explorer!
>Thanks again!

Working great now isn't it?

Hereks some thoughts. I'm not the expert that wapiti bob is. I've only made a substantial portion of my living doing this sh!t for about 15 years. I'd consider you and average user. By average I mean you only know enough to get yourself in trouble. So don't try to be an expert.

Malwarebytes. Download it. Update it. Run it. Run it again. Runb it again. Spybot S&D. Download it and run it a time or two between running Malwarebytes. Turn off the tea timer part. I hate it. Its gonna take several, or many, hours to clean the sh!t off and I am serious about running Malware several times back to back.

Get a paid subscritpion to a virus software. AV G is good, even the free one. McAfee is ok. Symantec is Ok. I know some will disagree about them but they are the same people who want it for free. I like as far free vs the paid versions of any of them... Are you just gonna use your frickin computer for a little while? Like a couple months and then put it away? No. So PAY for a sub with auto updates and then keep your credit card handy and pay when your sub is expired.

Sorry it just cracks me up. I deal with this every day. I have one user who thinks he can go where ever he wants on his work computer and then b!tch when nothing works. I have made a small fortune off the company just cleaning the malware off his computer.
I did not mean to come across as degrading Wapiti Bob above. I am serious, he is obviously an expert. Im a hacker. If he can make something of Hitman or Hijack-this logs then he is ahead of me for sure.

I'm just saying, some guys have problems repeatedly (Bess) and its usually their own fault. :)
>I'm just saying, some guys have
>problems repeatedly (Bess) and its
>usually their own fault.
> :)

What kind of sites and/or material might he have been browsing through to obtain his current situation??

Nv, I'm happy for you making a living dealing with this stuff, I chose not to because I hate dealing with everybody elses problems.
As you pointed out, problems they create themselves.
Hitman was suggested because it readily removes the google redirector. Dealing with my computer illiterate brother on a weekly basis for the last several years, I have gotten to the point where I just suggest people get a mac so my phone will quit ringing.
How many of your customers have heeded your advise and actually backed up their positions after you fixed their computers? Not many I'll bet.

Bessy needed help, I suggested a cpl apps. Yea his fingers get him in trouble but I'm going to help him if I can.
Pretty sure he would do the same for me.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-19-11 AT 06:09PM (MST)[p]NVBighorn, thank you for the validation. I bought my current computer about 6 years ago. It came with a subscription for McAfee. I have been running McAfee ever since. It costs about $40 a year because I always buy it when they are running a "special".

My computer runs today exactly as it did the day I bought it. I have no issues. Maybe I'm just lucky? Could be, but for $40 a year I'm not about to let it run out to find out.

You guys who are getting by for free, good for you. I wish I had the understanding to do the same, but for $40 a year I'll just forget all that and enjoy my computer (as I keep my fingers crossed:))


Edit: 1911, I go everywhere on the internet that my wife lets me, and a few places she doesn't.:)
LAST EDITED ON Feb-19-11 AT 06:20PM (MST)[p]Eel, I'm not necessarily a fan of McAfee or Norton. I run both on different machines. Neither is perfect. But either one is better than none.

WBob, please, please don't take anyhting I said as criticism. I am not familiar with Hitman but you can bet I will be. Thanks for the recommendation. To answer your question - none. No one ever backs up their stuff like they should.

All I know is there is seldon one fix for this crap. That's why it persists. That's why sometimes I have run back to back interations of Malware Bytes, Spybot S&D, plus the regular antivirus. There are people out the who enjoy making life hard for the rest of us. And they will find a way around every thing.

Edit: I am serious about checking out Hitman. The best tips come from people like WBob wdo have experienced this. Not from ads in the internet. The ones that I think most people get hooked by are the ones that claim to speed your computer up and remove spyware. While some of them MAY remove other companies spyware, many will also infect the crap out of your computer with their own, with your permission of course.

Didn't mean to Sshit in your Cherio's thia morning!

Want me to send you a picture?:D

OK NVB,I'll call you a Smart SOB on these Puters,never meant to make it sound like WapatiBob was better at it than you,don't really know who's best,and don't really care as long as somebody helps me!

You keep it up NVB & I will send you an STD!:D
Ya know what screwed your computer bess! It was that picture of the guys junk you posted a few months ago! Don't ever do that again and you won't have any problems.
Maybe NVB would enjoy an std, he is a computer geek and probably doesn't get many chances to catch one.


Think of me as your Co-Worker!

I've run the Malware Download several times!

I've run the AVG several times!

Mozilla FireFox & Mozilla FireFox Safe will still not let me open!

I know what you're gonna say:WHY TF Would you wanna run FireFox,well it's lots faster than IE here where I live for some reason?

You do House Calls NVB?:D

Just wondering if anybody might know why this POS is not letting me open FireFox up?

Thanks in advance NVB!

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