Wanton wast of deer on the Wasatch



So I show up at work this morning and one of the tenants in our building had reported two deer carcasses in the dumpster. Turns out someone harvested two deer, most likely with archery equipment on the Wasatch, and was too lazy to do anything with the meat. They removed the heads and dumped the whole carcasses in the dumpster. They were both young deer, the heads had been removed, so they were most likely bucks, along with the lower legs and the guts.

The carcasses were dumped either Tuesday or Wednesday evening and based upon the level of decomposition, the deer were most likely harvested over the weekend. So if anyone knows of two young deer that were taken on the Wasatch, or any other unit for that matter, over the weekend by someone that lives in the Salt Lake/Holladay area and that didn't utilize the meat, please let either myself or the DWR know ASAP.

Thats lame....I hope some names are turned up.

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
Yep it must have been them damn dirty archery hunters on the Wasatch. Cuz if I was muzzle loader hunting this weekend in souther Utah, got home late and decided I did not want to deal with the meat, so I stashed it in a dumpster.

So it must have been those dirty losers called "archery hunters".

But on a side note, that's to bad. I could have easily made some jerky im the smoker. Oh well.
You realize the archery hunt ended middle of september. You posted this October 6th??? The dates dont add up buddy! Would have to be those sneaky muzzy dudes.
I would think the DWR could easily identify the weapon used on the deer, if you reported it to them and they came out to investigate.

This would more easily have been muzzy hunters if you ask me. The odds of two deer being harvested on the extended by archers seems more far fetched then 2 guys getting bucks with their muzzies...

Too bad to hear about this happening.

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
The deer could have been killed anywhere...not necessarily off the front.

Either way, good luck in getting to the bottom of the deal. Shame for all that meat to go to waste.
To clarify a few things, as I mentioned in my post, the carcasses are whole and have been gutted with the heads/legs removed. Obviously the DWR has been out to look things over.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to tell the difference between a bullet entry/exit wound and an archery entry/exit wound. The deer were killed with archery equipment.

Since the Wasatch Front archery season is ongoing through the end of November and my office is within the unit boundary, it is somewhat justifiable to assume the deer came from the front but that is an assumption. That's why my post said "or any other unit" Let me add that the dumpster is NOT visible from the street and the back parking area of our building is small and secluded.

The DWR investigator thought that due to the location of the dumpster the indivudual(s) that were responsible for the criminal act were most likely local to the area.

This post has nothing to do with archery hunting nor am I trying to blast or point a finger at those unethical dirt bag archers. It's a matter of trying to assist the DWR in an ongoing investigation.

Thanks. TJ
Too bad this kind of stuff happens. They have time to kill the animal but not enough respect to deal with the meat? Stupid and wasteful.

Just a little FYI for some of you guys: TTJ is a bowhunter to the core so I can tell you he wasn't trying to blast the archers. He was just stating the facts and I'm sure there are plenty of you sportsmen out there who would try to do the right thing too. (ttj, I know you don't need me sticking up for you but I thought I'd pipe up anyway)

We can only hope that these d-bags get caught since thet're giving the real bowhunters a bad name.

I don't understand why they would go through all that work hauling out animals, gutting, cutting legs off just to throw in a dumpster?? Anybody have a guess about motivation for that? sounds like they didn't have proper field care, got home, realized the meat spoiled and tossed em' in the dumpster. Something is just odd about this story.
+1 MeatMissile.

Sounds like when they went to cut them up the meat had spoiled.

Still a bad deal as they need to learn to properly care for meat if they are gonna kill it.


Look out Forkie, FTW is watching us!
That was my first thought too... still dirtbags though.

"The deadliest weapon in the world is a Marine and his rifle." General John J. "Black Jack" Pershing, US Army
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