Wanted - Hog Hunt


Long Time Member
I kind of hesitate to post this but am hoping for some good advice.

My son won a Hog Hunt at a Utah banquet last year. We contacted the guide and was told to wait until spring or fall. I called mid-summer several times, finally was able to get a hold of him. He told me he had been out of town (which was fine with me) and to call him when he returned.

Called him again, was told it was too hot and to call back later. I did, finally got a hold of him. Said he didn't have a schedule in front of him and to call him after 9:00. However, on this call, I was told that I would have to wait until after the 17th of October. Waited a week (should have called sooner my fault)... Tried again, left 2 more messages.. No return phone calls.

I could see where this was heading. I finally left a message and said that if he did not want to take my son that I did not want to waste his or my time and to please just let me know.

That was a week ago and I am done dealing with it.

If this sounds like whining you are right, it is.

Anyway, enough of that. My question is, do any of you know of a ranch that has hog hunts? I would really like something that is within a day drive of Northern Utah. I am not trying to get a great deal. I just want to find something that is an easy hunt for my son (this is his first hunt). I am in a tough spot because I promised that he would go hunting hogs this year..

Please send me a PM with the Ranch info. and it would be greatly appreciated... Thanks!!
Sorry I can't help you out with the hunt. You're not whining either, you're complaining. From the sound of it, you have lots of reasons to complain. I hope someone can help you out.
That's more of a "Hey I'm a badger but I really like ponies and rainbows too" smile. - mtnmayhem
There is that River Bend Outfitters right there in northern utah I think it is in the town of corinne if that is how you spell it they have a web site just google utah hog hunt and you will be able to find their link. Its a Private Ranch Fenced type hunt I am actually interested in a hog hunt as well that is how I found it. There is also another ranch hunt down in carbon county I am not sure exactly were but I you google utah hog hunt I am pretty sure that you will be able to find it. That guy sounds like a lazy jackass that you were dealing with. Good luck with what ever you do.
I know a guy that hunted the corrine hunt,that was probably 7-9 years ago though.If you need info about that hunt let me know.The other hunt that was mentioned,Garrett Hunting Services LLC.801-628-1638.I talked to these guys at the hunting expo last year.I have a price list, if you want more info let me know.
There is something strange looking in my opinion about those hogs on the River Bend and Garrett websites. The lopped over ears and short snouts make them look like domestic hogs. I've seen both Russians and Southern razorbacks in person and they look much different than these hogs.

If you are looking into non-preserve options, hogs in Northern California is also an option you could look into. It is probably about a 10 hour drive from Salt Lake City and runs about $500-$600 a hunt.
There is a place in Shoshone,Idaho that has actual European Wild Boars. They charge $375 Guaranteed (no kill no pay). I've never hunted with them but plan to take my boys this winter. I heard from a friend years ago that they had a good time hunting there.

Just google "European Wild Boar Hunt, Idaho" and you'll get them. Let me know how it goes.

And let us all knw who this other guber is so we don't go his way..Good luck and post the pics when you get back..

Shoshone is about 6 hrs from the Salt lake area, just north of Twin Falls..

I appreciate all the advice. I really do not want to publish the guides name on this site. I cannot believe someone would have the guts to pull something like this but stranger things have happened. He probably treats "paying" hunters a lot better. What is funny is that I had a friend that was going to take his daughter as well and I did plan on giving him a generous tip. He still would have come out fine as far as $$$ goes.

I have said what happened and I hope he gets on here and reads this. I will be contacting SFW and letting them know what happened. I do not want to ruin anyones business but do not want someone else going through what I did. He will immediately know that it is him I am taking about and he can PM me.

On a positive note, I took hornsoups advice and called Garrett's. I will be going there to hunt and am just waiting to work out a day. They are going to have my son hunting at the end of October and I will let you know how it goes.



I will get you your hog hunt for your kid. I know the rancher. I wrote out the check for the hunts. The rancher is going through some hard times right now. I"ll make it happen, if I need to take you myself. Greg
We've been up to the place in Idaho a couple of times. We have had a great time introducing people to hunting with this hunt. It is a canned hunt, but you can make it as hard as you want. And the meat is great, but make it into sausage. You won't regret taking a kid or a new hunter. The guy who owns the ranch is awesome. It is also a good place to take and older guy who wants to still hunt but can't get around much any more.


LAST EDITED ON Oct-23-09 AT 07:45PM (MST)[p]Those hunts are usually purchased by the group putting together the banquet ,if they are donated ,the outfitter gets a tax rebate on their donation.Reguardless ,its not like it was fer free !I would contact the folks resonsible for the banquet and let the know about the problem you are having.
Sounds like some folks on here are going to try and get to the issue with this guide you have been trying to deal with. If they cant, give that CHUMP up!! So the rest of us never get worked by the dude. BH1

I believe the problem has been resolved. However, I did already book another hunt with the guide in Castledale (Garret
Hunting Services).

Regardless, things will work out. My son will get to hunt one way or the other.

Thanks again for all of your help.


I appreciate all that you do, thanks!!
I have had terrible experiences on all 3 hunts I have won or purchased at a banquet. I will never purchase a hunt at a banquet again and if I win one I will most likely donate it back.
My time is to important to waste.

This of course is just my experience.

I hesitated to do this but I guess I have changed my mind. However, the issue was never resolved. All the outfitter would have needed to do was call and tell me the situation.

The guide service was River Bend Outfitter in Corinne Utah.
They may be good with other people, but not for me and my son.

Fortunately, Garret Hunting service (thanks to a recommendation)
came through for us and did a GREAT job.

I hope my experience with River Bend was an isolated incident and that more of you can relate a "good" experience.

Greg: You should demand your money back. Please do not worry about arranging anything. You did your part and I appreciate it. If in fact the situation ever changes, please donate the hunt to someone who could enjoy it. Thanks
>Thanks for the heads up!!! I
>was going to do a
>hunt with them

me too!!!!

thanks for the info
Thanks for the info. I have their flyer sitting here on my desk and was planning on shooting a couple hogs. It's a good thing plans can change. I guess I'll just hunt hogs in Texas instead when I'm down there this winter.

Sounds like this is going to cost the outfitter a lot more than just one hunt. Thanks again for telling us who burned you. Word travels fast these days.

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