Want to replace my old Leica 800 with something better


My Leica 800 is at least 4 years old. It works the same as it always has.
However, in bright sunlight it is hard to get a reading past 500 yards. It is not very ergonomic.
I would be interested in a rangefinder that considers incline, but, not believe that they work out to 1000-1200 yards.

I do not shoot at 1000-1200 yards, but, many times it would be beneficial when stalking to know how far a hill, rock or stalking destination is to the animal when I am 1000 yards away.

I am currently looking at the

Zeiss 8x26 PRF

Leica CRF 1200

Important features to me are quality. Ability to actually work as advertised.
Work to 1000 yards in most conditions
easy to hold in one hand
Would like to use for bow hunting also. Do not want to own 2 rangefinders.
Would like the incline compensating feature.

I am leaning against Leica due to their very very poor customer service and warranty that I have personally experienced.

Is Zeiss better when it comes to warranty.

I am not opposed to Nikon, Bushnell or any of the other brands if it is good quality and works.
Hello NMPaul,

The Leica CRF 1200 will meet all your needs... One hand use, waterproof and 1000 yard + capability all at a lower price.

Leica has had some service problems in the past, but changes have been made in policy and personnel... The new "Boss" is very customer service oriented and me and my buddies experiences with Leica recently has proven this out. Repairs were completed quickly and at no charge - quite a difference from our past Leica customer service experiences.

The ability to slip the CRF 1200 in a shirt pocket is fantastic and that can't be done with the Zeiss unit.

Both units are excellent, but the Leica is smaller, cheaper and the warranty coverage is the same.

Hope this helps! Happy New Year!

>Hello NMPaul,
>The Leica CRF 1200 will meet
>all your needs... One hand
>use, waterproof and 1000 yard
>+ capability all at a
>lower price.
>Leica has had some service problems
>in the past, but changes
>have been made in policy
>and personnel... The new "Boss"
>is very customer service oriented
>and me and my buddies
>experiences with Leica recently has
>proven this out. Repairs
>were completed quickly and at
>no charge - quite a
>difference from our past Leica
>customer service experiences.
>The ability to slip the CRF
>1200 in a shirt pocket
>is fantastic and that can't
>be done with the Zeiss
>Both units are excellent, but the
>Leica is smaller, cheaper and
>the warranty coverage is the
>Hope this helps! Happy New Year!

NJS, thoughts on the swaro rangefinder.
IMO, the Swaro is the best available if you're shooting upwards of 1k or more, but they're pretty big (approx. the size of most makers 8x32 binos), somewhat slow to read, and lots of guys don't care for the size of the reticule. Oh, and they're expensive (close to $1k).

Here's a link to a pretty good article. It's a few years old, so it doesn't include the Zeiss PRF, but still great information.

The Swaro is a good unit, just way too big for my tastes. Lots of guys sing their praises... I just have had years of excellent service with my Leica LRF and now CRF. Ovis_Chaser
Save your money and wait and purchase a pair of binos with the built in range finder. You will never regret it. The built in rangefinder works better, its much quicker, saves on a piece of equipment and pretty soon all the quality bino makers will offer it.
Romulus, I hesitate to do that.

I bought the Leica duovids when they came out and gave them 2 seasons to see if they were a good purchase. They were not. I told myself I would not buy any more gimmick stuff.

I may change my mind, but, it will be at least 5 years from now to see how they play out.
>Leica Geovids are far from gimmick....

I wrote Duovids not Geovids. Go back and look at my post, And its just my opinion.

Got my swaro rangefinder today and have a friends oryx hunt to field test them tomorrow.
I used them today it was bright sunny and on a snow covered mountain and got them to register at distances over 1000 yards.

so far so good.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-08-10 AT 09:53PM (MST)[p]Paul,

I know you posted Duovids, but when you said, "I told myself I would not buy any more gimmick stuff", it made it sound like you thought the Geovids were gimmicky.

Anyway, no sweat. I'm sure you'll love the Swarovski. I've owned and used one quite a bit and they're great units. Good luck on the hunt! An Oryx hunt is on my list of things I want to do before I kick the bucket.
>AT 09:53?PM (MST)

>I know you posted Duovids, but
>when you said, "I told
>myself I would not buy
>any more gimmick stuff", it
>made it sound like you
>thought the Geovids were gimmicky.
>Anyway, no sweat. I'm sure you'll
>love the Swarovski. I've owned
>and used one quite a
>bit and they're great units.
>Good luck on the hunt!
>An Oryx hunt is on
>my list of things I
>want to do before I
>kick the bucket.

Sounds good. My favorite binocs that I use more than anything are the Leica Ultravids. 10x40. I have a love hate relationship with Leica.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-11-10 AT 09:29AM (MST)[p]You will come to regret the money you spent on the rangefinder. unless you give it to a relative or something down the road. I have swaro, leica, zeiss binos and have bushnell, leica rangefinders and once I purchased the 8x42 geovids I NEVER hunt without them. I archery, muzzie and rifle hunt and out of season I will use other binos but it is just one of those things that until you use them you dont know what you missed. Fumbling around to get the rangefinder after you see something. extra gear to account for etc. Just wanted to save you some money in the long run. I am an optics freak and they are the best purchase I have ever made and I loved some of the other purchases at the time. Had leupold gold ring as a kid, then bought zeiss 10x40 as soon as I could scrape up $1000 in late 80's, bought ELs when they first came out and 15x56 swaros for tripod glassing. Without a doubt the 8x42 geovids have been my best purchase and I use them about 50-75 days a year. Really only worth it if you are serious trophy hunter however. Good luck I am sure you will enjoy your purchase it just wont be your final purchase.
Romulus, you very well may be right.

I just want the range finders/binocs to put a few more years under their belts.

You know the first few years they will make a lot of progress with design, and if they do not I can buy used ones a few years old at a good discount.

Most likely though, they will make them smaller, lighter and better over the next few years as they get truly field tested.

As it is, I improved my rangefinder situation for about $400.

However, I do not like the little hard plastic carrying case or the little lens cap with a string to attach it. In the field every time I check it , it has come off.

Will ditch the carrying case and carry it in my pocket to solve the carrying case problem. Will have to clean the lenses because they only cover on one side and fingers will get on them in a pocket.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-16-10 AT 04:55AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jan-16-10 AT 04:54?AM (MST)

>Leica Geovids are far from gimmick....
Wow, is Foreman right! My Leica 8x56 Geovids are the best and most useful hunting optic I have owned in my 40 years of hunting and shooting. (Damn, I'm getting old!) My hunting partner bought a Leica 10-15x Duovid and it's not a gimmick either. It one fine binocular also - Leica doesn't put their name on junk... MHO. NJS
I had the 8x12 power duovids and did not have the lens to support the 12 power. So basically I had a heavy pair of 8 power.

My fault, I did not think it through well enough.

Maybe gimmick is not the best term, but, I bet the duovids are not a real popular binoc any more.

BTW, when I went to sell them I sent them to Leica because the center adjustment was not working.

They kept them over 3 months, no communication, replaced the skin with out asking me and charged me over $650 + shipping.

How is that for a good screwing by Leica. I had already bought my ultravids (which are awesome), but, told myself they would never see another penny of my money and I would let others know how they screwed me as well.
Couldn't agree more. I sold my original Leica bino's and bought these. Best thing I ever did. I use my Leupold range finder for golf.

I can tell you the same story about my 8x40 Swarvs. Leica has been great for me as has Leupold.


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