Walleye Fishing Tonight...



I finally tried my hand at walleye fishing from the bank at sunset.


All we caught were a few tiny smallmouths. I'll try again.

Nice pictures, better luck next time. I am going to the potholes sat. to catch some walleye.

Garrett, You ever fish for walleye on the Columbia? About 12 yrs ago, my dad and I used to knock 'em dead. Biggest we ever took out was 13 lbs. We both just slowly stopped fishing for them. Just curious if its has gotten any more popular.(Aside from the tournements)
We do fish for them a little but not as much as going to the lakes. It hasnt gotten that much more popular up my way but down at mcnary and that area, that gets all the talk. Which is fine with me. Biggest out of the river for us was around that mark. but taht was a while ago. But there is still plenty of them out there. Done at Mcnary there are a lot of boats fishing for them but during those cold months you gots to know what you are doing. so that keeps some people out of there. and the fact that you dont catch tons also keeps people out. But the real walleye guys are out there.

Had a great Walleye year on Moses Lake and ol sullivan this year. My friends and I had always done well on the reservoir but put in some time on Moses this year and had a kick. our biggest this year was 7 lbs. We saw a guy with a 10 lbs fish it was a hog. Its nice to live here and be on the water 10 min after work! One of the best eating fish too!

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