Waiting Periods.... Lets do away with them.


Long Time Member
Anybody else not a fan of the waiting periods? I believe since residents are only allowed to apply for one of the three Limited Entry species (Elk Deer or Antelope) they should do away with waiting periods, why on earth do you make someone wait to put in for what they want too, especially if you are already limiting them to one animal. Let people put in for what they want, it already takes years and years to draw any one of these tags, why make a person wait to start building points again.
I actually think and could make an argument for having L.E. points and O.I.L. points, meaning any points you have in either system could be used for any species in the group, Example: I have 14 Moose points, instead of moose points I have O.I.L. points and can use those points for any of the 5 O.I.L. species. It sucks that I am stuck with putting in for something that I maybe wanted to hunt when I was 16 but now 15 years later may not have as much interest in going after.

This would only apply to residents as they already screwed over the Non Residents by allowing them to put in for everything. I hope to god they don't ever do that for residents.

What are some of your thoughts on the subject?

Jake H. BIG BONE HUNTING Page on Facebook.
I'm on year 4 of a 5 year waiting period for elk. My plan is to go archery when I'm back in. Heck, I would almost be a top point holder without the waiting period.
I hear ya, after an elk tag in 05, I gained 5 deer points and decided to stick with it. Now I'm up to 12 deer points. Not enough to get anything real good and too many to throw away. Meanwhile, if I could use those 12 on elk, I could have a number of choices on elk that I'd really like to go after. For deer, I feel like I'm stuck in no mans land.
Waiting periods spread out applications in future draws. It's a good thing.

The last thing you want to see happen is for them to combine all your OIL points so you can apply for any species. That would make it so you would NEVER have a chance at drawing a tag most of the time. I am completely against that, and I have a few points for a species I would am currently never going to be able to use because I got a tag through another way. But my points are still there, just useless. I'd love to be able to combine them to already existing mtn goat points, but I'd hate to see all OIL points go to a total number and you can switch species whenever you like
Totally agree. Let elk guys go for elk and deer guys go for deer. Why wait for 5 years.

Although lifetime license holders needs to change first
As a non resident from az I can see it both ways. It sucks down here when a guy has drawn 4 amazing elk tags in the last 5 years while some guys are waiting 20 years to get just one. I feel like 5 years is a pretty long wait but id be all for a waiting period of 3 years. It helps spread the tags out to different people. I don't agree with only letting you guys apply for one each every year though. Not sure what benefit that brings?
>As a non resident from az
>I can see it both
>ways. It sucks down here
>when a guy has drawn
>4 amazing elk tags in
>the last 5 years while
>some guys are waiting 20
>years to get just one.
>I feel like 5 years
>is a pretty long wait
>but id be all for
>a waiting period of 3
>years. It helps spread the
>tags out to different people.
>I don't agree with only
>letting you guys apply for
>one each every year though.
>Not sure what benefit that
The demand on our short supply for most of our big game animals is much greater than most surrounding states. A lot more "hunters", less area to hunt in each year and over all animals numbers on the decline. So with that, if you allowed every eligible hunter to apply for every big game tag Utah has to offer, bonus points would be obsolete basically. You hear people bitching about never draw a tag or
It took 20+ years to get one... let EVERYONE apply for EVERYTHING? it'll be a disaster. You will probably go a life time and never draw anything but a general deer tag
>The five year waiting period removes
>11,000 people from the elk

11,000 people possibly getting two tags while I haven't drawn one!
No thanks.
I'm for a longer waiting period.
>>The five year waiting period removes
>>11,000 people from the elk
>11,000 people possibly getting two tags
>while I haven't drawn one!
>No thanks.
>I'm for a longer waiting period.

I think opinions would vary, depending on which side of the fence you sit. But to change anything regarding points or waiting periods would be unfair to those still standing in line.
Not a good idea for OIL tags. The guy sitting on a bunch of points for moose/bison jumping ship and blowing the odds for a guy waiting on a sheep or goat tag. Same with deer or elk. We all started the point game with a clear mind of what we wanted. It is hard enough worrying about a sheep guy changing units let alone species. more than one guy would stroke out.
What is the wait for deer?
For Some Reason I've Never Had this Problem!:D:D:D

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"We all started the point game with a clear mind of what we wanted."

Those 14 year olds sure started out with a clear mind of what they wanted. There should only be an OIL point. The entitled should never have felt entitled.
A waiting period?!?! what's that?!?!

I am still waiting in line to get a tag (9 points for deer) therfore I wouldn't know what that feels like. If they need to change anything, add years to the waiting list

"Wildlife and its habitat cannot speak. So
we must and we will."
Theadore Roosevelt
LAST EDITED ON May-30-17 AT 07:23PM (MST)[p]Those 14 yr olds are not the ones who would be jumping that would cause issues...its the 250 plus guys with 20 or more moose or the 150 guys with 20 plus bison points that can see a easier if not 100% odds with a sheep or MTN goat. entitled? what? sorry to point out the obvious..points are specific for a reason. if you want to hunt moose put in for a moose tag. so let just put the OIL draw together and if you draw...shoot the one you want, go for a drive and pop the 1st OIL species you can find. fair enough? BTW I don't have a horse in this raise, I have drawn both sheep and taken a bison.

so the question is if you were sitting on 19 sheepgoat points and had a good chance to draw next year would you want 400 guys jump ahead of you? ...I thought so

>"We all started the point game
>with a clear mind of
>what we wanted."
>Those 14 year olds sure started
>out with a clear mind
>of what they wanted.
> There should only be
>an OIL point. The entitled
>should never have felt entitled.

How to start an argument online:
1. Express an opinion
2. Wait
>The five year waiting period removes
>11,000 people from the elk

And puts 11,000 people in the deer draw, meanwhile all the deer guys that are on their wait period are in the elk pool.

Let the elk guys do elk and the deer guys do deer.

Waiting periods need to go.

With No Waiting Period I'm Afraid The Odds would even be worse!

22 & Countin!

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>I'm with ya Bess, 22 big
>horn and 20 elk and
>still can't draw

I Was wondering about You arns!

Now I Know!

We're both in the Same Boat!

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You guys with 20 plus elk points don't have anything to worry about, those 11,000 people with 0 points coming back into the system will not be affecting your odds at all. and most wont even be putting in for the same tag as you.

Jake H. BIG BONE HUNTING Page on Facebook.
Bearpaw Outfitters

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