wagontire or white horse?



Well it may just be a big wish,but I do have 12 antelope points this year. The way I see it I could have a shot at one of these two units.I have never hunted these areas let alone driven through them.
Any one got any insite or advise?

And while we're on the topic I shoot 180gr. in my 30-06, is there much gain to switching to a 165gr. or even lower for these goats?

Wagontire is a smaller unit with the animals in a smaller area, I went out with a friend a few years ago on the north half and wasn't impressed that much.

If I was going to use an -06 I'd drop down to 150's, they will shoot flatter and have more than enough energy.
I'D try for the whitehorse unit, lot's of goats down there around Fields or Denio. and 150 gr. in that 30/06 is perfect, sight in dead on at 200 yds. good to go!
Depends on where you live. Both have good goats, I'd go with the closer one to where I live, the more you scout before everybody shows up and gets them spooked, better chance you have at getting a big boy. The closer you live, the more chance to scout.
Hey BS, you live around Burns? thats my favorite place in Or. good fishin' and huntin'. know anything about that Harney Basin antelope hunt? been thinking about putting in for it. hunted the Steens last year and will go back again if I get a tag someday. also hunted elk around the south stawberrys with a muzzleloader this year, if that mill was runnin' I'd move over there.
Yeah born and raised in harney county. Harney basin hunt, I think it is only a doe tag. If thats the one i'm thinking of it's pretty much a sure thing. My family home steaded out in the Diamond/Happy area of the Steens, spent a lot of time there. Did you do any good on your hunt? Still some big bucks out there, but between the cats and wild horse(AKA SH!TTERS) the deer have really had a hard time the last 17 years. Still some bigs ones though, not sure if it's worth the 6/7 year wait. How'd you do in the east Grant hunt?
We went though diamond one afternoon up to look at the wild horses, what a godawful muddy slick road that was, did see some, wife was happy. You have lots of nice bucks down in the hay fields, and in the refuge saw many 20"to 28" bucks, to bad it's off limits! Passed up a small three point 2nd day,upper end of mud ck. No other luck, but one coyote. East grant muzzle was a blast, no elk taken this time, but planning to draw it again with some buddy's help that have points saved up and want to try it out. That antelope hunt is for does, but I'm just wanting some ant. steaks.
If you want meat it would be hard to find a better hunt. Let me know if you decide to do it, sure i could help you out. BS
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