Wacko go home !!!


Very Active Member
Irans leader Ahmadinejad is going to adress the UN next week and will be visting ground zero to see his fellow exstreamest handy work and then he is invited to Columbia University to speak.
I think if he goes to the UN he then needs to get the hell out of America !! He is helping to kill many American soldiers and wants WMD's, vows to strike worldwide if any aggresion is used against him and going on a sight seeing tour of parts of this country???
Where's James Earl Ray when you need him.
I bet the libs will be standing 3 deep to get pics and a hand shake from him.
He needs a 150 grn. accubond at 3200 fps.
>Irans leader Ahmadinejad is going to
>adress the UN next week
>and will be visting ground
>zero to see his fellow
>exstreamest handy work and then
>he is invited to Columbia
>University to speak.
>I think if he goes to
>the UN he then needs
>to get the hell out
>of America !! He is
>helping to kill many American
>soldiers and wants WMD's, vows
>to strike worldwide if any
>aggresion is used against him
> and going on a
>sight seeing tour of parts
>of this country???
>Where's James Earl Ray when you
>need him.
>I bet the libs will be
>standing 3 deep to get
>pics and a hand shake
>from him.
>He needs a 150 grn. accubond
>at 3200 fps.

I'm a little slow. Is this what you mean?

He'll probably get a BJ from Pelosi while he's here.

Is he going home in a body bag? If not, then why not??????

I hope he gets a cold reception and returns home safely. Radical islam would love nothing more than for him to be lynched on US soil. We don't do things that way here, that's what makes us better. He is scum and should be killed, but not like that. I hope he gets protested and boo'd, but nothing that would bring us down to the level of these barbarians. BTW, he was denied access to ground zero, thank god. Get him to the UN, then send him packing IMO.


Have you noticed that huntindude hasn't post a vile, liberal induced bunch of bs on this matter? He must be headed for ground zero. Probably wants to be first in line for an autograph.
buglinbs, get a life. he knew his request to go to grond zero was going to be denied this was just a political move, polititians do that you know. like him or not he's the leader of Iran , there's nothing to be gained by not talking with him. some of you were against talking to Kim Jong also, since we have things are not great but much much better.
Feel free to go and talk to him, you are about the only one here that would fall for his lying B. S. anyway.

Who's falling for anything? the guy's a blight. but if we can be big kids for a second he's the leader of a nation we have great tension with at this time, talking is the right place to start. don't forget he has China and Russia in his pocket also, the stakes are higher than you make it sound. his military strenght isn't super impressive but he's very important to China. what's important to China is important to us, not only are they a super power but they're paying our bills right now. this isn't just about some radical raghead, it's much more complicated than that.
buglinbs good one. You crack me up. I was talking to a buddy of mine who has several tours in Iraq. He has a great idea that I am sure you would agree with, Dude. Let's pull our troops out of Iraq and let the contractors, or mercenaries, take control of security. Mean while, our troops will just cross the border and kick the hell out of Iran. Since they are supplying arms and bombs to the jihadists. What do you think dude, our troops will be out Iraq. By the way, are you one of those a-holes that was for reintroducing wolves. You talk like one of them.

My quote:
Canadian wolves, smoke a pack a day.
The Iraqis want us to release the Iranian we're holding for posible arms smuggling to the Shiite militias, what that tell you about who their daddy is?

Wolves? if I saw someone shoot a wolf I'd buy him a drink, a box of shell or both. I dislike Bush, I hate wolves.
Well hunindude, I haven't whacked a wolf yet. But for future reference, I drink Crown Royal or Jack Daniels, and my main dog rifle is a 22.250 of course I always have my Bushmaster in the truck with a clip of FMJ. I hear those 100 lb. coyotes are tough. lol
OHHH I opened this post thinking it was about me. Sorry.


People, they thin' I don't know a Buttload of Crap About the Gosple, but I do. (Nacho Libre)

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