WA Rams


Very Active Member
Anyone have any pics of any WA rams taken this year?

Ramslam, what about the raffle ram? What was killed?
My cousin is going with his buddy who drew a tag this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday in the Umtanum unit. He will be hunting with a bow, and my cousin will have a video camera. If he's successful I will see if I can get a picture and post it on here.
Here is what I know about WA rams taken this year:

Swakane hunter killed a 176+
Auction hunter killed a 160 on Clemon Mtn
Raffle hunter killed a 160 on Lincoln
Rocky raffle hunter has not taken a ram last I heard. On Saturday I video-taped the ram I heard he wants to kill. Hunt was scheduled to close Oct. 31 but the hunter was granted an extension due to the fires in August.
I was just curious anyone know if there is a picture of the swakane ram anywhere. Thanks.
>My cousin is going with his
>buddy who drew a tag
>this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
>in the Umtanum unit. He
>will be hunting with a
>bow, and my cousin will
>have a video camera. If
>he's successful I will see
>if I can get a
>picture and post it on

Hey where is he going to hunt for them in the umptanum? I Go up there every week just about in the durr road area. I have seen sheep and know some good spots. GOOD LUCK!
I have no idea where they are going, but I have been up there and seen some nice rams also. I know he has been scouting recently and has a ram picked out. Just for practice the other day he stalked to within 70 yards of it.
I seen the clemans mountain ram, they shot it opening weekend of grouse (September), we drove by there camp and stopped and talked to them. It was a nice ram, looked like he shot it in the horn as you could see a chunk of lead in the back of the horn. One thing i didnt like is im sure they lost some of the meat as we were up there like on a saturday and they had shot it the day before clear on the bottom and they hadnt got the meat off the hill, they were going back to get it that day and this is labor day weekend in september so it was kinda warm out. they had the cape all fleshed and salted though.
I was in camp with the auction hunter and no meat was wasted. The ram was taken right at dark the evening before so it was in good shape when we hiked into the canyon to pack it out the following morning. Once again, the meat was fine and a valid observation kirkl.
thats good, Just an observation on my part. Were you the younger guy out of the 4 guys, you and the other guy that had the aution elk tag couple years ago have your sheep slams right.
Yes, I was the pup of the group. I think they could have gotten that meat out the night before...they were just waiting for the young guy to get there. They called me at like 9 pm as I was driving through Naches to scout my goat unit. I can't resist a sheep camp. LOL
I know what you mean, i didnt mean to start anything by my comment either. My two cousins drew sheep tags last year on clemans and there was 5 of us. they each shot there ram within 30 seconds of each other out of a group of 12 rams, 3/4 ways down the hill about 8 in the morning. Ive never seen a dead ram before that and those buggers are big. 4 of us each had a half and one guy had the heads with capes. we got them out late mid afternoon. It was a blast though, cant wait till i draw a sheep tag.
Absolutely no offense taken.

That is a fun hunt in there with so many rams. The hunter wasnt in the best of sheep shape as he has some serious back problems. I think he said it was his 12th or 13th ram. He was a real kick in the pants...what a character. I did not have a camera with me so he has all the pictures or I would post one.
Ya, couple of those guys looked a little older. It was a dandy ram though, I thought he was the raffle winner but he was really the auction winner. Wish I had those guys money. lol
LAST EDITED ON Nov-10-05 AT 12:27PM (MST)[p]12 or 13 rams!!! Dang I've been putting in for a WA sheep tag since I was a kid. I know they all ain't from here but his trophy room must be awesome. I really like those successful good time hunts were everyone has fun, even if there's a lot of work to do like packin em out. Congrats to the hunter. Do you have any pics Greg? Oops I guess not

I would die of cardiac arrest if I drew a tag. I am thrilled about going to hunt dalls in 07, but I gotta get a Wa ram someday. When I draw, I'd love to have you in my camp since your such a sheep freak!!!!!!!!!

Get rested for next season, because I am feeling REAL lucky for next seasons draw!! I can picture myself setting up the wall tent in my dreams, and glassing for rams on Cleman Mtn!!!
If you draw clemans, well find ya a good one. I live 20 minutes from there. But youll have wait till I shoot mine first. :)
No, no, no I'm going to draw in 06 since I've already got another hunt booked in September,, just wait and see. Can't wait for Ram time.
Captain Kirk:

06 is my year and hopefully yours too. We can share a rib cage together over a cold one!


Love to see ya pull that tag! Sheep fever is a serious disease.
Now wait a minute! I thought that I was supposed to be drawn in 2006! How about a comprimise? I'll take Vulcan Mt. and you guys take the others. Ok? My hunting buddy owns a bunch of land at Vulcan Mt., so I have a ready-made sherpa. Haahaaaaa...

I wish I could have gotten a closeup of the bigger two rams in the group. One was killed 10 days later by our WA Rocky raffle hunter. 43"+ on both sides and scored ~187-188.

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