WA Mountain Goats



Got drawn for unit 3-10 this year and can't wait to get out. I'm not going to head out until Oct 12, to give them a chance to fur up alittle. Anyway this is my first time after a goat. Hopefuly I'm up for the task. I'm going over next week, then the week after to scout. I'll let you know next week what I find.

Wish me luck.

LAST EDITED ON Sep-21-05 AT 09:38PM (MST)[p]ButcherBoy,

I am sitting here with a goat tag in hand as well (Naches). I went in last weekend for the first time. Saw 11 total with one being a pretty nice billy. Got some great vid at about 300 yards. Just decided he was a bit short horned (8 1/2") for the first weekend but for mid-Sept pretty good hair. We got a good frost both mornings. He was not an easy one to walk away from however as my cousin (who has 2 WA goats) was shaking his head. I wish I was a little closer to the unit(5 hrs) so I could spend more time there. This $3.25 diesel suuuuuucks.

We shall see what else is out there I guess.

Good luck to ya,


Sorry to hear about the drive! I'm up in Anacortes, so it takes me about three hours to be hunting. I've always wanted to go goat hunting over anything else. My wife was going to send me to Alaska for my 30th birthday, she was all ready to book the hunt, but with two kids 6 and 2 years old I just couldn't do it. Six years later, I'm going on the hunt of a lifetime, for me anyway.

I just got a 12x17 wall tent with all the extras and I'm taking off from the 12th to the 31 so I've got the time to take a nice goat. I just hope I can judge them ok.

Well good luck and be safe.
You gotta be one of the luckiest guys I ever heard of when it comes to the draws. I know you probably been puttin in since the earth cooled off! Good luck, hope you get one over 9"!

Had a feeling I'd see you as a member here before long, and when I saw a membername of BUTCHERBOY, with 4 posts, I knew it had to be you. Cool. You'll probably find it to be one of the more informative sites out there.

I'm guessing you've been out scouting. How's it going? Wish I had the time off to come join you the last couple weeks of October, but you know what time of year that is and where I'll be.

I'm sure pap's told you about our trip last week. I'm sure if you hadn't drawn that tag you woulda been there with us. Good times!

Good luck on that hunt and let me know if there is anything I CAN help with. I'll be expecting pic's posted by the 1st of November.


Thanks a bunch for turning me on to this site! I've got a few guy's that have offered help with scouting, both have taken goats in the same area.

Work has been a real pain, my second mans son was in a real bad car wreck and broke his back, so it's been all work and no play for me. The good news is Scotts son is almost fully recovered now and is doing great.

Your dad stopped by work and gave me a picture of his deer. He was pretty happy to say the least. Looks like a real nice area.
Maybe next year I can go over with you guys.

I'm heading over next week to do some scouting for a day. Your dads going over with me the week after just for the day.

Anyway thanks again for everything hopefuly I'll figure out how to post pictures by Nov 1st.

Have a good night.

Well if I didn't admit that I was lucky I would only be kidding myself. I can't explain it. The last four years I have beaten 1:3500 odds, 1:400 odds, and now 1:1600 odds. I 'took' last year off so I could finally build my house so I didnt draw anything. LOL

Everyone talks about fair draw systems and bonus points vs. preference points vs. no point system. In the end I tell my family and friends they take all applicants and sort them with the nicest guys at the top on down. There are two tags this year in Naches and I am quite modest so I guess I was the second nicest guy to apply. LOL.

Butcher, having two weeks off to hunt in the fall is a dream. I am a teacher so it makes me a weekend goat warrior; good luck and take some great photos.
ButcherBoy....What area of your unit are you spending most of your time scouting.....also can't really tell how far your western boundry of that unit extends too. Is Quartz Mtn. in your unit??

Ramslam....is the Naches unit the 3-7?? If so, is Quartz in your unit.....can't tell which one it's in.

Yes Quartz is in my unit. I'll be heading over there in a few days to scout. Thinking about putting the wall tent as close to Quartz as I can get and still have running water. I don't know if Frost Meadow is real close or not. Pretty much just looking for a good spot to camp for two to three weeks. Can't wait! Have you hunted the area befor? Any good spots to put up camp? Thanks
Dude, just take a bunch of water with ya and put your tent on top of Quartz, then hike out towards Clifty. Thats where the goats are....its still in your unit right?? Its not a bad hike, maybe an hour, good trail.....

Good Luck...I am hunting them in Montana this year and am starting to get nervous about judging them and such!!!!
I am headed back over this weekend to try to fill my tag. I took last weekend off to chase elk with my muzzleloader after hunting goats the previous two weekends. Now its time to get serious. My last trip in I sat on a nice billy all afternoon waiting for him to come off a rock face. I had him at 437 yards but it would have been foolish to attempt a shot given his location. I am hiking in Saturday morning and plan to spend all weekend in there hoping to catch him off the rock.
Don't forget the camera, yah I know you have to keep it light weight where your going, but I want to see PICS!
Good Luck, and be safe!
Will have two cameras present, both video and still camera. Pics will follow but video will only be available if I shoot good. LOL
What happened RamSlam??

I spent 4 days in big nasty goat country and never saw a good billy! Will be going back the first week of November. Praying for the weather to stay calm till and past then!!

Good Luck
I thought it closed Oct. 31?????

I have been over 4 out of the last 5 weekends.

First weekend I found a 8 1/2" or so. I call him my "back-up billy". Great spot, great weather, great company, but not quite my goal.

Second weekend, I found a goat pushing 9". Had him at 437 yards but he was bedded on a rock face and would take a terrible fall. "Backup billy" moved 200 yards from previous weekend.

Third weekend stayed home to hunt muzzleloader elk.

Fourth weekend. Found my rock face billy about 400 yards above the trail in a great spot. But he had recently broked off his left horn. Face was all covered in dried blood. I am sure he was laying there smiling. Stalked a billy below camp that was just too small. Went after a group of 11 that was seen the day before. Cut a fresh mtn. lion track headed to the rocks they were in; goats no where to be found. Saw a nice billy on the way out but too late in the evening for a stalk.

Fifth weekend (just this last weekend). Went back in for the "backup billy". Saw a good billy on the hike in maybe 20 minutes up the trail. Call him "Gimpy" because he favored his front left foot. Watched him bed in a great spot, easy hike, money in the bank location. Got over there 20 minutes later to find a deer hunter had walked up the ridge and blew him out of his bed. Tracked Gimpy to the timber and never saw him again. Continued up the trail and soon found the backup billy about a mile from his usually haunts in some nasty rocks. Down we went unfortunately he got out of his bed (unbeknownst to us) and we ran into him face to face at 100 yards. No time for a shot. He circled us and crossed above us. I had him standing on a nasty rocky face at 250 yards. Had I shot he would have been a big pile of mush at the bottom of a ravine I don't know how we would have gotten to. He joined another billy in the canyon we have seen him on. Found him first thing Sunday morning. He was quickly covered by fog. We sat for 5 hours waiting for it to burn off to no avail. Hiked over to the face he was on hoping it would be better---visibility was about 50 yards. Hiked on out the ridge and then headed for home when the weather worsened.

Here is my total:
2520 miles on my pickup
65 miles of hiking
86 goats (without duplicates around 60-65 or so)
0 luck

Been a great experience. When you walk past good goats you have to be willing to eat the tag. I sure hope I don't but its the price you pay. Will be back over this weekend.


I gotta believe after talking with you, your gonna git errrrrrrrrr done this weekend. Enough playing footsie with those billies. Time to wack em and stack em!!! Good luck and be safe!
Thanks. I really appreciate your help but most especially your positive attitude. It has been a great opportunity--harvest or not, I have loved every minute of it. Well, except for the drive.
I've been waiting for the pic's via WA goat hunters for awhile. I got drawn for Goat Rocks. Very tough country. Got my Billy the last week in Sept. Kind of an 11th hr thing as I shot him at on at 7:30. He taped out a 9" with nice bases. Only regret was that I couldn't get any pics of him prior to caping him out as it took awhile to get down to him and by then there was too little light. I do have some good pic's after he's been caped out but need some help posting them.

This was a tough area and horses would have definitely come in handy.


I"ll post them dude, send them to [email protected]

I am in MT Ramslam, my season lasts through November, but the goats are at 9700-11500, so I have to be real wary of the snow.

I went for 4 days and never spotted a billy over 7 inches. Am thinking with the rut coming on I'll see them my next trip, which is Halloween for the whole week!!! Please Hold Weather!!

Heres a nanny and a couple kiddos of various ages....


Some gnarly goat country!


And HOW many goats do you see?? This snow made it dang hard.

Ramslam -

Sounds like you are having some good hunts, it ain't over till its over, I'm sure you'll end up with one.
RE: WA Mountain Goat/Picture

LAST EDITED ON Oct-19-05 AT 06:25PM (MST)[p]http://usera.imagecave.com/tnhkunch/netgoat-copy.jpg

First of all, I need to thank some people. My wife, for putting up with me for the last three months. My father who at the age of 65, helped me pack out half the meat. Jaxon - IdahoSpot&Stock, who turned me on to this awesome web site. Drue Collins, who graciously shared with me all the information that he could about the area that I hunted in. And finally Todd and Tina Peyser, Tina drew a big bull elk tag in the same area and they did two weeks of scouting for me.

The first time out my father and I saw eight goats on the first day, one being a billy, but not a shooter. The second day out which was my last day to hunt that week, we saw the billy that Todd said was a shooter, but it would have taken a day and a half to get him out. I was able to take some great pictures of him at 250-350 yards. We went home empty handed but with high hopes that he would be there the following week.

The following Sunday, Monday and Tuesday we looked for the big billy but never did find him again. We got a hold of Todd and drove to his taxidermy shop where he drew us out a map of where he thought the billy might go. That evening we drove to the spot and found fifteen more goats. Two more billies but neither one a shooter. The next morning we drove back to the same canyon and found a lone billy up high away from the others. You could tell with the naked eye that he was quite a bit bigger body wise than the rest of the goats. After looking him over for about an hour, I figured he shoot go over 9 inches and have a really nice full coat with a yellow tint to it. I left my dad with the spotting scope across the canyon and worked my way down and across the canyon to him. When I finally did get to him, he was right at 300 yards and he was still bedded down. After about an hour wait, he finally stood up and the hunt was over! After the shot he only slid about 50 yards and came to a stop in some vine maples. Dad worked his way down to me and we worked our way across the canyon. After taking some pictures I caped him out for a full mount and boned out the meat. We got back to the truck right at dark.

When we got back to camp that night, my father in law had brought my 12 year old son over for the rest of the week. It was pretty special to have my dad, my father in law and my son all with me. The following day, we took the hide to Todds and then went and showed my son and father in law some more goats and took alot more pictures.

Thanks to everyone who made this once in MY lifetime hunt come true.

PS: He is right at 9" with 5 1/2" bases.

This is the billy that we saw on our first trip and were never able to find again. It was taken through an adapter on my spotting scope at about 250 yards

RE: WA Mountain Goat/Picture

Great goat...congrats. The weather forcast for this weekend looks good so I will be ready to hit it hard again this weekend. I am having some great hunts and I am very much looking forward to tipping one over.
RE: WA Mountain Goat/Picture


Thanks he's not the one that I was wanting to get at first, but he still is ok in my book. I still dont understand how you can judge within 1/2 inch.

Looks like the weather will hold. I know you've been putting alot of miles on your truck, but it will all be worth it soon. Stay safe and enjoy your hunt.

RE: WA Mountain Goat/Picture


Sorry to here you didn't get field pictures. The ones you got after are pretty darn good.

Your area looks alot more like goat country than mine did. LOVE the high country.

Lets here more about your hunt. Looks like your getting a life size mount. Anyway nice goat.

RE: WA Mountain Goat/Picture


Here is the billy I took Sunday afternoon on my 10th day of goat hunting in Washington. I had been taking the weekend warrior approach so it was my fifth weekend out of six. I saw over 75 different goats and lots of awesome country. My cousin Earl was with me every weekend we hunted and I could not have done it without him. Thanks to "FALCON" for all his help as well. It seemed like an epic hunt with over 3000 miles of driving, 85-90 miles of hiking, several blown stalks, yet one 360 yard shot ended it all. The perfect hunt.

He has awesome hair and is 9" long with 5 3/4" bases and scores 47+.

RE: WA Mountain Goat/Picture


YA DA MAN!! Persistence always pays off as we all can see the results. What a beauty he is!! When you said he had a nice coat, you weren't a kidding. Thats a goat of a lifetime!
RE: WA Mountain Goat/Picture

Great job, way to hang in there, That is a beautiful Billy!
Hopefully I can learn from you about perseverence. I'm leaving monday for Colorado for mule deer (a big one I hope).
RE: WA Mountain Goat/Picture

Congrats to everybody. This is a great thread. Thank you all for your stories and photos.
RE: WA Mountain Goat/Picture

Congratulations to both of you! I know they were definately hard earned trophys. Beautiful Goats too. Way to go.
RE: WA Mountain Goat/Picture

Congrat to all you guys. I've been following your progress since the first post. Great goats! Lifetime trophies and lifetime memories.
RE: WA Mountain Goat/Picture

Congrats to all of you!! All very nice billys. One of these days when I draw the tag, I'll know where to go for a little advise!!

RE: WA Mountain Goat/Picture

Right on! I will be next with pics! Leaving Monday morn and coming home Friday night or Saturday morn!!!

His hair is awesome!
RE: WA Mountain Goat/Picture


All I can say is NICE!!!!!!!! He has the hair and the head gear that any goat hunter has ever dreamed of. VERY VERY NICE. Thanks for posting pics and the stories. Glad you made it home safe and in one piece.


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