Vortex vs. Leupold


Active Member
Similar post to my one about Swaor's vs. Leicas. After reviewing my budget I think it is best if I stay in the price range of the Leupold Gold Ring HD or Vortex Razor. What are your guys thoughts on which is better?
In this price range I would go with the Leupold HD. I have never been impressed with the Razor and feel it will probibly be upgraded soon as it has been out for a while.

I like the Leupold HD and though its heavy compared to the new Leica,Zeiss,Swarovski offerings the weight is a plus if you are going with 10x. I would compare the HD to the meopta/cabelas euro in view. Good FOV, brightness and great contrast. Well built and backed by Leupolds warranty.
I agree on the GR HD's.....better optics than my trinovid, and very well built. A steal @ $599 after rebate.
I have done a lot of looking at optics latley and the Leupold HD GR have been the best bang for the buck optical that I have ran across. I actualy walked out of the local Cabelas store with a pair for a week. For the life of me I could not get the interpuppilarity (spelling) set right for me once I got out the store. Unfurtunatly I had to return them. I have looked through the Razors on several occasions I have never been impressed with them. You may want to give the Vortex Vipers a look. I personaly think they have a better image then the Razor does and you would save yourself a couple bucks in the process.

mr 400

i actually found the same thing. the to my uneducated eyes the vipers looked better than the razors. they have a better feel also. now i would not trade them for any thing. and having used the vip warranty i will only buy vortex from now on.
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You pretty much will need to look at them side by side. Comparing brands is tricky with the range of quality the different brands have.

Different people's eyes are different. I learned that recently, shopping around. I compared a couple of models of Lieca and Swarovski, the Cabela's Euros, and Leopold golden rings, side by side. I would have compared the Zen Rays and Vortex as well if there had been some there to compare. To my eyes they were all excellent glass, with the Liecas and Swarovskis notably better. Between the two, the Swaro's were better in terms of clarity, field of view, ergonomics, etc... Are they superior to some of the other great glass? To my eyes, yes. To others? Maybe, maybe not.

I love my Leupold VX III rifle scope.
I love my Vortex spotting scope.
I love my Swarovski bins.

Most companies have some great glass. You just need to figure out the best for you that you can afford.
LAST EDITED ON May-15-10 AT 11:19PM (MST)[p]I too prefer the Vortex Vipers over the Razors. Not sure what it is, but I could never get the Razor's to "snap" into focus, and I've owned a couple pair.

Having said that, with a budget of $500.00 - $700.00, I'd be patient and look for used Swarovski, Leica or Zeiss. I've seen some smokin' deals lately! In fact, just yesterday I saw a pair of 10x42 Swarovski SLC's sell for $600.00.
Swaroski's 10x42 for 600 That was a smoking deal. I think I would brought them and try and re-sell them for more.

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