Vortex Optics

LAST EDITED ON Jan-21-07 AT 04:31PM (MST)[p]No hands on experience, but everything I've read about them says they're great. Doug @ Cameraland has some fantastic deals on Shot Show demo Vortex's right now. If I wasn't so broke, I'd love try the 10x42 Razor...
We have taken Vortex in as a line that we are now carrying. After doing comparitive tests with some of their binoculars with Minox, Pentax, and Nikons we feel that they offer a quality product that is priced competatively. If I can answer anything for you please feel free to give me a shout. Please check this link for the Shot Show Samples http://www.monstermuleys.info/dcforum/DCForumID27/556.html

If there is anything else that I can assist you with please let me know.
Camera Land
[email protected]
I bought one of the Skyline spotting scopes from Doug. I have compared my Nikon Sky and Earth side by side with the Vortex, the Vortex was brighter, better color definition, and most importantly, had a larger field of view when zoomed to 60x.

I should have it within the next few days and will post a review at that time.
I received my scope just a couple days before I had to leave town for a week. I was able to take it out a couple times and was VERY impressed. If the regular glass is this clear and bright I would love to see the HD.
Yes, we are authorized Vortex dealers and the Razor is a wonderful binocular. It is similar in quality to the Minox HG but designed more like the Swarovski EL series. Please feel free to give me a call to discuss it

If there is anything else that I can assist you with please let me know.
Camera Land
[email protected]
FYI, I bought my Vortex scope from Doug. The shipping was fast and the service was great. I would buy from him again in a heartbeat!
I've had the chance to compare both the Razor from Vortex and the Viper with my Swarovski ELs and SLCs. All I can say is the Vortex is one hell of a bino for the money! If you're more interested in spending money on hunts like I am than equipment I'd take a serious look at the Vortex binos!

I have the Pentax 10X43 SPs, how do the Razors compare? Are they hands down better, or just slightly. I noticed the weight was more, but I like the feel of the Els, so I would assume the Razors feel similar. I really like my SPs, but the demo price on the Razors is great if they are as good as the reviews I have read. Any thoughts comparing the two would be greatly appreciated.

i got a pair of sidewinder 10x42 on ebay for 200 bucks and they have a guarantee for the life of the bino no matter who owns them. that means that if you sell them the buyer still gets the warranty. these glasses are far better than the brunton lite tech things that i had before. why spend 600 plus dollars for something you are going to bang around? super clear and bright glass for the money i spent.

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