Vortex Field Test Date



OK, here's the deal, I was planning on next Thursday but I'm gonna be out of town.

So, I'm planning on this next Monday night. Again, there wont be any selling going on-just looking at deer and other things one might find around Alta.

I'll probably throw in a cooler of drinks and some snack type stuff. Please feel welcome to bring something too.

I'll plan on being up the canyon around 6 or so and will be there until dark.

I drive a white toyota tundra (with a Never Enough sticker in the back window) and will be parked near the Catherine Lake trailhead where we can glass across the basin.

See you there!
LAST EDITED ON Jul-20-07 AT 01:59PM (MST)[p]I look forward to being there. Me, UTodd and Gonzo plan on joining the group. I am going to bring my spotter to compare. I have heard some great things about the Vortex optics. I just upgraded to the Cabelas Big Sky ED a few months ago and have to say I am a little dissappointed in it. I am looking for a replacement hopefully before the hunt.

~See you all there!



Just confirming that I'll be up there tonight. Hope to see some of you guys up there!
I'm taking my little boy to the rodeo to watch the buck'n bulls tonight. He's turning 4 years old tomorrow (24th of July) and he's been waiting for this rodeo for a month now. I sure wish I could make it but I definitely don't want to miss out on watching him get all excited about the bulls!

You guys have a great time up there and spot a BIG one for me...

Can anyone that attended give some feedback on the different optics, pros & cons. Also, anyone have any desire to do this in the Southern end of the state?


I thought the same thing? So.....what is the verdict? Vortex "as good" or "worse" than SWARO? I was waiting to see if I wasted my money?;-)
My question is what do you consider the Southern end of the state? I live in St. George and would love to take a look at some Vortex optics. Dont know anyone around here that has some and cant afford to make a trip up to SLC to find a dealer there just to take a look.

What was the outcome of the field day up north?

I was really impressed with the quality of the spotters. I didn't look as much at the binos because I am set in that department, but they seemed nice too. The 12x50s were really clear and bright. As far as the spotters, I think that I will be picking up a Nomad before the rifle hunt. They blew away the nikon and the cabelas hd spotters that were there. I didn't see if paul brought any swaros, but I have used some and though these vortex weren't in that same class, they were not a ton worse. For the money, they were some of the best spotters I've seen and I would reccomed that everyone checks them out. They were better than burris and leupold hands down in my opinion. The $60 camera adapter was cool as well.

Thanks again paul for bringing all the gear up there. It was fun.

>My question is what do you
>consider the Southern end of
>the state? I live
>in St. George and would
>love to take a look
>at some Vortex optics. Dont
>know anyone around here that
>has some and cant afford
>to make a trip up
>to SLC to find a
>dealer there just to take
>a look.
>What was the outcome of the
>field day up north?

I would consider the southern end of the state as Cedar, St George of maybe even Beaver. I too would like to compare the Vortex with some of the other optics in a "real" hunting/glassing situation, not just in the store or in the parking lot of a store. I guess that I was maybe hoping that there was a dealer down here or one that would be willing to travel if there was enough intrest or potential sales to look through some different glass. Or if there were enough owners of different optics that would want to get together and compare.
Thanks Andy! I was waiting on the verdict! Sounds like for mid-level glass/cost they are the ticket.
And what if any knowledge are we to gain from the field day? How many people were there and how did the Vortex Razor in 10 x42 hold up. If it was there and what was it compared with. Thanks
As far as binos I think we had some Cabela's Euros, Cabela's Alaskan Guides, and Swarovski SLCs.

The Razors held there own with Swarovskis for $800 less.....

I was actually really surprised and impressed with the Alaskan Guides, but think the Vortex Vipers is a better glass for the money.
What's your opinion of the Vortex Vultures, 12X50 ?
I know for under $300 I can't expect them to compare to my Ultravids, but how do they stand up to say Nikon ATB 12X50s ?
Have any of you put the Nikon ProStaff side by side with the Vortex Skyline ED?Just wondered what anyone else thought.I had given my opinion 2 posts down and had not had any comments on the comparison.
whats the verdict, i am very interestd in the 20-60 spotting scope, what scopes compared to, i thought you were compareing to swarovski and other big name brands...
I would also love to hear some feedback from someone who has had their hands on the Vortex spotters. Are they worth the money? How do they compare to the premium scopes? I am particularly interested in the Nomad. Thanks
I bought an angled Nomad (60mm 20-60x) to try it out and see if the hype was all that. I also wanted a small light scope that fits in the day pack easy and still performs.

I've had the Nomad side-by-side with a Zeiss 65 15-45x angled on 3 scouting trips now and the Nomad is surely worth the money.Dollar for dollar I don't think you can beat it. It's not a Zeiss by any means, the FOV is smaller which I expected (and is what I love about the high-end scopes), but the clarity was impressive. In low light the Nomad is not bad at all, much better than other similarly priced scopes I've owned or used in the past. It's not phenomenal in low light in my opinion - but again - impressive for the $$.

I'm happy I bought this little scope, it's perfect for my needs.
I would like to see what your opinions are on the Vortex SkylineED vs. the Nikon ProStaff in the 20x60x80 versions when all of you are comparing these spotters.Tell me what you think.
I am looking at the Nomad as well and had an opportunity to check one out last week. I had nothing to compare to, but it looked good to me and I believe was what I need for packing. Right now I'm struggling with the choice between straight and angled. I plan to carry mine with a tripod in my Badlands 2800 pack and will use it for elk, deer, sheep, whatever. What do you feel are the advantages of having the angled scope?
Would someone who was able to attend the "vortex field test" and actualley make some side by side comparisons let us know thier opinions? There are several of us here that are anxios to hear the test results.
Neck Relief is the key for Angled vs. Straight Spotting Scopes. I personally prefer the angled spotting scopes.

The nomad is a great spotter, you will love it.


"When You Deserve The Very Best"

read my post 4 above this - I was not at the field day, but I believe I have a solid real-world comparison of a high-end scope(Zeiss) versus the Vortex, and on multiple trips. The guys at the field day did not have a Swaro, Zeiss or Leica to compare to, they had a Nikon or something. I'm not dogging the comparison they had, just telling you to read a bit more!
I read your post BUL and I appreciate the comparison however I was hoping to hear from some of the folks who made comparisons with the swaro's at the field day.

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