Vortex Field Day



LAST EDITED ON Jun-26-07 AT 11:36AM (MST)[p]I'm kicking around the idea of putting together an evening to compare Vortex with the competition. I'll bring a bunch of Vortex and Swarovski, you guys bring whatever you'd like and we'll do some glassing.

I've received a bunch of emails and pms about Vortex and believe it speaks for itself in the field. Especially when compared to glass costing more than twice as much.

If any of you are interested let me know. I'm thinking about meeting up around Alta to look at some some fuzzy headed bucks, hikers, bikers, crunchers, etc:)

There isn't going to be any selling up there, just doing some glassing and meeting some MM guys. Let me know and we'll put something together.
I'm in. I'll bring my Euros. I would like to see the vortex spotters in person. Mix in some food and it sounds like fun. Plus there are some pretty hot hikers up there.....crap, here comes the wife, delete, delete, delete...

That sounds like fun Prism. We should make it a BBQ like Andy said. I think you should have the get together right after volume III comes out so you can bring a few along with ya. I want to buy one of those muley only DVD's. That's the only way to fly! :)

Let me know what you end up deciding and if you do the BBQ thing I can help with that by bringing stuff too.

Man i wish i was closer to yall.. I just bought a vortex ED spotter and vortex razor binos.. I have only got to use them once but i was spotting with my buddy who had swarovski binos and spotter.. The swav owner told me he would trade me lol. Good stuff.

Trent Holliday
Wish I could make it but I live too far away. I just bought a Vortex Impact 70 and I also have Swarovski optics. I will say that I'm impressed with the little Vortex and believe that the quality easily exceeds the price. I think they've got a good thing going. You guys have fun on the glassing trip. fatrooster.
>Man i wish i was closer
>to yall.. I just bought
>a vortex ED spotter and
>vortex razor binos.. I have
>only got to use them
>once but i was spotting
>with my buddy who had
>swarovski binos and spotter.. The
>swav owner told me he
>would trade me lol. Good
>Trent Holliday

Yeah right...
Sounds like there's a few guys that would like to do it. I'm kind of thinking about something next Wednesday or Thursday?
I want to be part of this maybe I will trade my Swarovskis for the Vortex......NOT!!! but I would like to see what all the talk is about give me a time, place and date

Clynt L Citte
Willard Utah
[email protected]
Just got my Muley Crazy mag in todays mail. On page 49 there is a picture of the VORTEX rifescopes, a Viper and a Diamondback.

In small print along with a USA Flag, is the wording "US owned and operated since 1986" at the bottom of advertisement.


I think you should cover up the binos & scopes, so you can't tell which brand is which and then ask people which they like the best. That would make things interesting.
Sorry I haven't gotten a date nailed down yet. I thought I was going to be out of town tonight and here I am-should of done it tonight.....

I'm thinking the week after next on the 26th. Does that work for you guys??? Hopefully we'll have some of this smoke out of here by then.
I'm in. We'll never get a date that works for all so just set a date since youre planning it and we'll work around it to be there.

Count me in and I will bring GoaT and Gonzo with me. Just let us know the time and date. Cowslayer let me take a look through the ED the other night and it was sweet treat I'd like to repeat.

I went up tonight and saw this buck through the Skyline ED right before dark from a long, long ways away. I know the pic doesn't do him or the optics any justice, but I thought I would post the zoomed in pic.




"When You Deserve The Very Best"
LAST EDITED ON Jul-16-07 AT 08:39PM (MST)[p] Vortex is a US owned company, but are made in asia.
Eagle optics owns the company, along with a few other brands that come from the same factory. If memory serves me, Eagle optics, Vortex,and Audubon are all made in the same factory under a contract with eagle optics, cannot remember if Stokes was in that mix as well. A few years back i talked with eagle optics and the guy told me about one good factory in China that was real good with optics and they just spec'ed out what they wanted from them.
If you visit the eagle optics showroom in Middleton Wisconsin, the building is attached to Vortex's national headquarters (no coincidence)

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