Vision Problems!!


Long Time Member
I had never before went to an eye dr but a recent scouting trip found me unable to clearly adjust the right eyepiece on my binoculars. This right eye seems to have been getting worse through the past few years but all the sudden, it's pretty bad. As i sit here and close my left eye, there is no way i could read anything at all on the monitor.

So i go to a guy who came highly recommended even if he was 70 miles away. He asks a few questions and has a good look see in my eyes with several machines, even ends up dilating my eyes too, to see inside further i guess, and comes up with nothing! He says the outside of my eyeball looks a little irritated and rough but could see nothing to speak of.

My eyes tested 25/75 or something like that and he could correct my vision, at least with the lenses in that machine. The problem is, some days the vision in my right eye is worse than others! I told him that too so he wants me back end of next week before subscribing a glasses fix.

He also recommended, for several reasons, that i not go with contacts. Glasses are going to be tough getting used to both in my job and in the field, i'm not looking forward to this whole change of life deal! This whole thing sucks!!

Just pray that there is nothing that he can't take care of with just glasses! I've worn them for 50 years since I flunked the eye test in 8th grade and you get used to them pretty quick. I have so many things wrong with my eyes (astigmatism, cataracts, Kerataconus)that could get worse and make shooting difficult, if not impossible, but so far things have stayed decent and I'm heading west tomorrow for 11 weeks to do my thing in 4 different states. If you don't like what the guy is telling you, I would suggest you get a second opinion from another top Opthamologist in your area. Good luck!
Your right, that SUCKS!

I started having trouble with my vision when I was 16. I went to the doctor and he prescribed me some glasses and man, the world looked completely different! It was during basketball season and I'll never forget the first day walking into the gym and being able to see clear across the gym and all the lines on the floor looked sharp and crisp, man my eyes were really bad!

Trying to hunt with them was a pain. I didn't wear the glasses long at all before I went back to get contacts. The contacts took a while to get used to but now I'm only a couple months from being 36 and I get along great with my contacts.

My wife started having a lot of problems with her contacts so she had the laser surgery and she loves it. She keeps saying I should go do that but it is expensive and I'm too big of a chicken to let the doc shoot lasers in my eyes, I'm good with contacts for now.

If I were you I would get the glasses and get him to give you some contacts to try. Most doctors have lots of free samples they can give out. The glasses are handy to have at times even if you wear contacts almost all of the time. If the contacts work out then you could keep getting more. I wear the disposable ones that are made to wear up to 2 weeks but I take mine out every night and can get 6 weeks or more wear out of each pair.

It does suck but you're gonna see things a whole lot better :)
Yep, it sucks when time starts catching up with you! I have a few problems with my eyes as well, been wearing glasses for a few decades too. You get used to them pretty quick. Couple years ago developed a blind spot in my right eye (dominant eye) that is a perfect rectangle just to the left and up of dead center! I can still see the bullseye in the scope, but its really hard pulling a shotgun on birds. Best of luck to you!
I wore glasses from the age of 3 till 50 when I had Lasik's surgery my vision went from 20/600 to 20/20 which is amazing. I was at risk when hunting because if I lost my glasses I couldn't find my way back to the pickup. I do need reading glasses but a small price to pay for getting rid of the pop bottle lenses. Make sure you are seeing an Opthamologist they have more training than an Optometrist. Good Luck as well.
Went in to renew my driver's license right before my 40th B-day and couldn't pass the eye exam and wore glasses for exactly one year. It absolutely sucked wearing them in the field, so my B-day present to myself the next year was Lasik (actually PRK) surgery. I did have some complications afterward and had to have a touch up done this year, but it's worth it to not have to wear and deal with glasses.
Yep getting old sucks!!!

I have worn glasses form 6 years old till I was 32 and had lasik surgery( 100 % covered by my insuance at the time :)). Lasik was awsome till I hit 43 then the right eye went to sh@t again. Wore contacts on and of over the years and they were ok as long as it wasn't to dusty out, if dust gets in your eye its a #####. I was going to do lasik again to fix my right eye but when I found out it was going to be $2500.00 I decided no way, so back to glasses.
I was in the same boat as you. My vision was at 20/75 and I got tired of having to squint to see at distance's so I had Lasik's also and it has been the best money I spent. I had it done 5 years ago I still have 20/20 vision. You owe to your self to at lest look into it. It not a big deal. Your in and out pretty quick. It takes longer for the volume to kick in than the actual procidure.
Thanks for the great replies guys!!

I don't know that i made myself clear to the Dr or not. I'm all about having the Lasik's done if that procedure would help my vision. Seems to me that i did and seems to me that he hasn't found anything that is correctable through that way.

I'll pay what it costs if i could see good again without glasses. Being a Plumber, i'm under houses and get filthy dirty and dusty from head to toe. Plus, using the bino's while hunting...

Thanks again guys!!

If you are a candidate, get Lasik.

Just make sure it is Custom (not the cheap version). They can also do monovision (which makes reading glasses unnecessary as you age). If you aren't a good Lasik candidate, consider PRK.

I don't know if you are in Utah, but if you are, I highly recommend Mt. Ogden Eye Institute (Dr. Ballif). He is Top 5 in the country. I was one of the unlucky ones that had my vision change after lasik and they did it again for free. They have a lifetime guarantee.

Part of growing older Sage and nothing we can do about it either outside of the above surgery etc. I noticed back when I was about 42 that my arms were getting longer when reading.
First glasses were half glass then later went ot bi-focal and still wear them. But looks like the first of next year I will have to have them checked again and might wind up with new prescription for a bit stronger glass for reading, TV etc.

Should also note, I had mono done (only my right eye). That way I don't need reading glasses (yet!) to see up close.
Sageadvice is in Cali, if I recall.

I've been lucky with my vision. I need "readers" for close work and Swarovskis for the long work. That's it.

Eye get a little fuzzy because of allergies. That sucks too.

I've been wearing bi-fuckals since my late 20's. I love seeing clearly and most good bino's have enough eye relief so it really doesn't matter. Getting old is better then the alternative!!!!

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
kingfish, you are too funny Dude!

Joey, I too have just recently been going through this. A couple of years ago my eyes went to crap for reading. I was amazed at how fast it happened too. One day I'm threading a needle with no problem and the next day I can't see the darn hole to thread it! Anyway I can see pretty good long distance so Bino?s without the glasses work well but my problem is my pins on my bow are really fuzzy and they even started blending together. I can see the spot on the animal no problem though. I tried to shoot with my glasses on but to do so I had to change my anchor point. So rather than change what I have been used to all these years I went to a single pin slider sight. Its now just one pin that goes fuzzy but I can put it on the spot and that's all the matters. It is a pain and it is life changing without a doubt.

Don't do Mono vision without trying it with contacts first. I had custom Lasik and initially wanted Mono vision since I'm 54 and need reading glasses. Had Lasik done I think about 7 years ago, anyhow I could never get used to Mono vision. I was always lacking depth perception and balance, plus it gave me headaches. Mono vision is when they adjust one eye for distance and one for reading. My Lasik doc. who is a hunter said he would never Mono vision to a guy who spends a lot of time behind binoculars. Just his opinion, but when I tried it with binos, contacts in creating the monovision it made me sick.
After reading what i've said so far about my vision and exam, does it sound to you guys like i might be a Lasik's candidate?


I am qualitied and willing to give you all sorts of advice but not about your eyes! LOL
Good luck on that one. I know how frustrating it can be to have eye problems.

LAST EDITED ON Sep-02-11 AT 01:53PM (MST)[p]Joey, not trying to be noisy but you and I are both super sized folks. If you haven't already checked, you might want to have your blood sugar checked. Rapid vision changes take place if you're blood sugar is staying higher than it used to. Not something to ignore, if that is the problem.

Just a thought.

Kilo I laughed about your reply concerning your arms were not long enough at age 42. Same thing happen to me at that age. I have to use reading glasses most of the time, but my distance viewing is still better then 20-20. My eye doctor was somwwhat amazed that my distance viewing was still that good.

Um not to bring you possibly more bad news, but have you had a heart stress test done? Or had your blood pressure checked recently?

My former boss in AK was complaining about the same type of vision problems one summer. When he got home to Oregon for the huntig seasons he got hiking around and suffered a minor heart attack. When he went in to see the doc, post heart attack, they found that he needed quadruple bi-pass surgery. The only thing that had kept him from having a major and potentially fatal heart attack was that he was very active and hiked around a lot, so obviously his heart was stronger than average.

Now I am no doctor, but when I read this thread all that came to mind was my old boss Art. The big sign that his eyesight was blood pressure related was that some days the vision was worse than other days. Turns out your eyes are very pressure sensative.

Best of luck in your hunting!
Well i asked for it so thanks for all the info. Seems that i do not have as Blood sugar problem. Mom had the stuff bad and had to take shots several times a day her later adult life but i've not tested higher than about 100 and that was about a month ago.

I also have never been tested with high blood pressure. Kinda odd that a big man from a family known for heart disease, doesn't have high blood pressure. There are some other heart problems though and they certainly could be getting worse but i'm told there's not much that can be done about that.

Bottom line is that i have a big hunt coming up and if i make it that long, i want to be able to see. Thanks!!

Sage, I hear you about the life change. Being proud and stubborn, I haven't yet admitted that my arms aren't long enough to read anymore like kilo said. This thread shows I'm not alone and will probably schedule to see the eye doc soon. Guess the bulletproof days are over. mtmuley
Joey, you're right, it sucks! My vision problems are age related only.

I have a pair of prescription bifocals that I use in the house. That way I can watch Cody Ross strike out on TV across the room and then glance back to the computer screen which is a lot closer, and have it all in focus.

The rest of it I just use cheap reading glasses. One for reading and one for long distance when I'm driving. I don't really need them for driving and only use them on long trips to cut down eye strain. I can look through binos and scopes just fine.

My right eye went first too! It's still worse than my left eye.

Just for fun, next time you're at a store that sells reading glasses, try on a few pairs. They come in different strengths. Not a perfect solution but inexpensive.

If you're a candidate for surgery, and can afford it, it's the way to go. Both my sister and brother swear by it.

>Don't do Mono vision without trying
>it with contacts first.
>I had custom Lasik and
>initially wanted Mono vision since
>I'm 54 and need reading
>glasses. Had Lasik done
>I think about 7 years
>ago, anyhow I could never
>get used to Mono vision.
> I was always lacking
>depth perception and balance, plus
>it gave me headaches. Mono
>vision is when they adjust
>one eye for distance and
>one for reading. My
>Lasik doc. who is a
>hunter said he would never
>Mono vision to a guy
>who spends a lot of
>time behind binoculars. Just
>his opinion, but when I
>tried it with binos, contacts
>in creating the monovision it
>made me sick.

Eelgrass, next time you drive through Utah and get close to SLC, just take your glasses off and put on blinders and put the metal to the floor like the rest of them and you can wizz right through there with no problem. After all, GOD IS YOUR CO-PILOT IN UTAH.

Joey, I am an eye doctor but I am not understanding exactly what you are saying. 20/20 vision is considered perfect your vision 20/70 best corrected or is that uncorrected? If your vision is not correctable to 20/20 there should be an explanation of cataracts, macular degeneration, etc. Was there any talk of eye disease? Or is this just a prescription that requires glasses? Some prescriptions are just not a good fit for contact lenses or lasik. There is a lot that goes into that sort of thing.
I believe the 20/70 was uncorrected vision. He was able to correct my vision to 20/25 with the prescription. He found no eye disease, i asked him, cataracts..., only some irritation on the outside of my eyeball. Because my vision changes, he's doing it all over again this Thursday to insure that my new glasses will work. Lasik was not brought up though i am in a position to afford it if it will help as others have mentioned.

This is all my understanding but i sure could be missing something somewhere along the line. I have not felt at all well since before the eye exam and the last few days have been mostly spent in bed. Flu type symptoms and shortness of breath. Even now after the third day of bed, i feel sore and terrible. Thanks!

I'm 34, went to the eye doctor last year, he said I have 20/15 vision, I guess that'll do for hunting. But I still can't see going to work most mornings.
I guess we are about the same age. I had PRK done almost 12 years ago. It took me from 20/60 or so to 20/15. I need reading glasses now and, I suspect, will need a touch up or glasses in a few years.

Hey, if you would have just lifted weights like you shoulda, this might not have happened. :)

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
feddoc, That's exactly why I didn't have it done!! My Doc said I was a good candidate but because of my age I would probably need reading glasses anyway and would probably need some kind of corrective lenses in a few years. Not worth the money for me. I have persription glasses and have polaroid lenses that really kill the glare when fishing and hunting on sunny days..Works great for me.

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
Well, i'm finally feeling better having just put the feed bag on for the first time in 4-5 days. Nasty flue or something but i feel on the mend.

Thanks for all the talk on the subject of my degenerating vision. Armed with this info and those questions , i'm far better prepared for my second visit and exam on Thursday.

what about lens replacement surgery? i too have been having vision problems, talked with my eye doc about options, he his steering me away from lasik & recommended if i choose to do a surgery, do a lens implant that is reversible. (similar to a cataract surgery)

does anyone else know anything about this type of vision correction?

no guts, no story!
You can do a clear lens extraction which basically is cataract surgery for someone who doesn't need to have the cataract removed. It is for those who don't want to consider lasik because they are getting older and don't want to deal with cataracts later on. The other options is a implantable lens similar to a contact lens implanted in front of your natural lens. It can be removed if it had to be. These are both potential options but they are based on your prescription, so if you are not correctable to 20/20 you will still be limited just as you would with glasses or contact lenses. Hopefully that clarifies things a bit.

I'm just an armchair know it all with great eyesight, so take it for what it's worth. I would double check you blood pressure, sugar, heart, etc. My buddy just had a mild stroke due to his meds changing. The clues were right there but weren't caught. The first big thing was his eyesight went bad. Aw, don't worry, that's what happens to 40 year olds. Bullchit. The eye doc couldn't see anything wrong but still gave him glasses. Sure they helped. Helped him see his way to the ambulance. Now that the ordeal is over, and his meds are back to normal, he can see just fine. Its a miracle, he's young again!
You might be fit as a fiddle and you're just getting old, but it's worth double checking. Good luck Sage.
Here's the update after Thursdays re-exam. The eye drops he told me to pick up did wonders for my vision. Even the day before the re-exam, i knew that any glasses that he might have prescribed wouldn't have worked for me now.

As i said he said, there were some bubbles or stuff on the outside of my right eyeball. There was no way that i could make out anything on this screen with my left eye closed. By the time the re-exam rolled around, my vision in my bad right eye was remarkably better. Still not 20/20 but maybe 20/25, much better than the 20/75 he had me down for just 10 days before.

So, no glasses at this time. He prescribed steroid eye drops to be taken for 1 week, gave me the latest eyeglass prescription but recommended i hold off on them, and asked to see me again in a few months when i get the chance.

Nothing less than remarkable how my vision blurred for a week or so then at least, mostly regained like that. Felt sure that i was headed for expensive surgery or a lifetime of wearing glasses at the least. My buck season opens in a few short weeks. I feel a ton better about it now! Thanks again Guys!!

That's great news Joey! We could use some good news around here once in awhile.

Best of luck on your upcomming hunt!


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