Viking and Cowboys


Long Time Member
Let me be the first to welcome the Viking to the NFC championship game next week in New Orleans. GREAT GAME

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Dallas got a little pressure put on them and like usual, they folded like a house of cards. Easy to not like that team!!

Congrats to the "Old Man" and the Vikings!!!

Brett Favre is my new hero!

Success is proving you're not too old to get the job done!
I respect the heck out of Romo and what he's done for Dallas this year, it was kinda sad seeing them get beat so badly today but.............LMAO, Go Vikings all the way!!![/IMG]
glad to see Dallas out of it...and that owner what a dumbass...
Most Cowboy fans knew very little about football Dallas defense line compares against Viking offensive line and how they match up!
Saints Offense will pick the Viking Defense apart..Plus Viking are out coached..Saints by 15!

Well, since the Cardinals got absolutely stomped yesterday, I will be rooting for the Vikings till the end. Favre is the man.

Looks like it may be the Jets and the Colts next week, unless the Chargers can get something going quick!!
>glad to see Dallas out of
>it...and that owner what a
>Most Cowboy fans knew very little
>about football Dallas defense
>line compares against Viking offensive
>line and how they match
>Saints Offense will pick the Viking
>Defense apart..Plus Viking are out
>coached..Saints by 15!

So true. Go Vikes.
>Man I hope you're right Rack.
>I think the Saints have
>got a great shot to
>make their first Superbowl. Go

They've been there before but it's been a while.

Anothe ugly game. SD was pitiful. Not sure who I can root for now? Farve is great and since he's over 40 I guess he's in.

I'm sad today but the Cowboys had a better season than I thought they would.So it's not all bad.....

Not really sure who to root for from here on out.Favre's career speaks for itself but I personally don't like him since he is clearly all about #1.Just goes to show the NFL is truly now a "rent-a-player" league and we are all just rooting for uniforms.
Romo didn't mention in the post game interview what it was like sharing his uniform the whole game with Edwards and Allen. LOL That Viking D-Line is amazing. If Minnesota plays like they did yesterday they will be hard to beat.

It's always an adventure!!!
Edwards,Both Williams,Allen,Kennedy,Robinson those guys did come to play. Hope they keep it up.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".

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