Views on HD or Non HD Spotter


Very Active Member
Looking at picking up a new spotter. There are some really good deals on Swaro non-Hd models since they ae being discontinued. Not a lot of HD deals as of late. Will I really notice the difference with my old eyes at an elk or deer.
I researched this same thing ad nauseum when I was buying my spotter. It comes down to this: will you be digiscoping? And if so, how important is the image quality to you?

If not, then your eyes will probably not notice the difference. I did own the non-HD model for about a week or two while I tried it on my front porch, then I bit the bullet and bought the HD. I'm that kind of guy though- there's always that thing in the back of my head that says there is something better out there, so I had to do it. I can notice a touch of difference, but not much. I also digiscope, though, so I wanted it for that.

From those that I spoke with in the optics industry, like Doug at cameraland, the majority of users won't notice the dif, and would be delighted with the non-HD.

Vi Et Armis Invictus Maneo
I wondered the same thing a few years back when I was in the market for a good spotter. I opted for the non HD model of Swaro 65 objective. I couldnt justify the price increase for the HD as I honestly couldnt tell the differnce. I do very little picture taking through the spotter. I enjoy using the swaro, nice piece of glass.
I have both and I honestly cant tell the difference between the two. I wish I would have know that before. I would have never bought the hd version. seriously, buy the non-hd version.
I have a pretty good deal on a Swaro 65 HD with 25x50W eyepiece fro $2250.00 delivered. For as little as I use a spotter (yearly west trip) hard to justify the $$$.
I used to owne non HD and compared it to an HD from middle of the day to darkness and tried to give the HD an edge but could not see any difference. Later I upgraded to HD. The only difference I can see is in the quality of my digiscoped pictures. The pictures definitely are better but if you do not digiscope then I would go with non HD. fatrooster.
I wish I gotten the HD. I swear I can tell a difference (maybe its all in my head)
I also like to Digiscope.
Go for the 80mm objective while you are at it.

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