View of San Francisco Bay from a Zeppelin

Wow, those are some nice pics. They brought back memories of my slighlty misspent youth...Mare Island, Treasure Island, NAS Alameda, Concord, Moffett Field. Things have sure changed since the early 70s. Good post you made.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
>Wow, those are some nice pics.
> They brought back memories
>of my slighlty misspent youth...Mare
>Island, Treasure Island, NAS Alameda,
>Concord, Moffett Field. Things
>have sure changed since the
>early 70s. Good
>post you made.
>Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is
>right and tyranny is wrong,
>why should those who believe
>in freedom treat it as
>if it were a roll
>of bologna to be bartered
>a slice at a time?

same here, left the bay area when i was 12......

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