

Confussed (Guest)

I was wondering why all of these deer and elk videos I have seen all show the hunter in camo and not the orange I thought sportsman were to wear. Now before you get your panties in a wadd I know that there are those who can hunt in camo but when I see a rifle in the picture and no orange I wonder. Just wondered if any one knew why?
because it isn't required in most states but you can wear all the orange you want if it makes you feel better.

I know it isn't required in some states but it is here in Utah, so when you see some proud shmuck in camo in a orange area it just makes you wonder
I believe it's because the average deer hunter has an IQ of about 4, so expecting them to wear the proper attire while hunting is asking WAY TOO MUCH!!! :) :)
Because these morons are stupid enough to think that deer can see color. Because these morons conveniantly think they should only obey the laws they like. Because these morons are ignorant.

I personally get tired of people being seen in magazines without the proper orange on and even in videos and broadcast hunting programs filmed in states that REQUIRE orange to be worn. Don't be giving me that backtracking B.S. that you brought an extra hat to change into after the kill. Yeh right!

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