VIDEO: Saturday Scouting

Gee's was that a trail or a Freeway?!

Sit tall in the saddle, hold your head up high, keep your eyes fixed to where the trail meets the sky... goofy

Fun stuff man!!! Reminds me of my outings. Good times....

Brian Latturner
I've watched all yours. Very motiviating for me. Never thought of filming till I saw yours. I'll tell ya, you've been taking some hellish hikes lately, impressive.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-19-10 AT 04:09PM (MST)[p]D13, LOL, you crack me up, I'd expect nothing less.

Ya know, after my horse was turned into glue, I knew it was time to get my self in a little better shape.

And for the record, the Tongans ate him...
Dang 'forkie, I am up and out hiking way early too...

Give me a heads-up and I'll go with ya if you are going solo again.

I will try not to slow you down very much.......

Great video....but don't you brush your teeth in the morning? chew camo gum? Got it!:)

That is very motivational. It makes me want to get out.

I thought you did good. The sound was good. Not to loud. Good music! What program did you use to make it?

("For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. Ephesians 2:8-9")
Thanks. I just used the freebie Microsoft movie maker, but I'm really starting to hit the limits of its capabilities. Things I want to do but can't. I need to get a different software package. Maybe Sony Vegas or Adobe. Anyone have any recomendations?
Pinnacle version 11. It's inexpensive and does a lot of things that the expensive programs do. Call anytime and I can tell you a little bit more about it.

It's always an adventure!!!
The Video was good, The Hike/Scouting priceless.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".

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