Video of an Arkansas 911 call

Jerk! I can't even open the video here on dial up but I know it's not good. Otherwise you would not have used my name. Well I hope It's cold there where ever there is.

Bess....want to go hunting?

LAST EDITED ON Dec-14-07 AT 08:55PM (MST)[p]That's what the stupid hillbilly's get for not wearing ORANGE!

"Behind every great woman is a guy commenting on how BIG her butt is getting"

My "new signature"
Can't help but think of that creepy kid playing the banjo in "Deliverence"
It's a good thing that the operator didn't tell him to check for a pulse, or the video might have been X rated.

Its fair chase, or its foul!
>"Behind every great woman is a
>guy commenting on how BIG
>her butt is getting"
>My "new signature"

Here's MY new sig.....

"Behind you in that line at the store is some woman smacking her idiot husband who thought it was funny to tell her her butt was getting BIG."
Ransom played the banjo the his high school band and he won many awards. I guess i better go look for his year book.

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