Vick -vs- Stallworth

You gotta be kidding me! What a joke our legal system is sometimes. Though the facts in each case are very different. Vick's case had more to do with running a criminal operation rather than just dogfighting, both of which are reprehensible but at any rate, it doesn't seem at all like the punishment fits the crime - especailly not comparatively! I hope Commissioner Goodell has the stones to suspend him for at least a season.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
WTF! That is insane! So.... I can go out and get drunk and then run over someone killing them and only get 30 days in jail? Oh wait he also has a lifetime license suspension. Sounds like job security for the limo driver, and 1000 hours of community service. Sounds to me like the victim's family sold him out for a big payoff. They prolly went to the DA and begged for leniency after reaching a multi million dollar settlement with DS. I hope the NFL does the right thing and bans this piece of ##### for life.

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, it's past your bedtime!

Hdude, Jose needs a yob!
...or goats.

TOOELE, Utah (ABC 4 News) - A man who admitted to slowly decapitating two goats is going to jail for the maximum sentence.

A judge told Orion Stoltman this kind of crime makes him sick and then sentenced him to two and a half years in the Tooele County jail, issued a $2,500 fine, and ordered him to pay $300 in restitution.

Stoltman pleaded guilty to two counts of aggravated animal cruelty and theft.

The owner of the two goats, Dena Linnell, says she's relieved.

?I am just so happy. I was really scared that he was going to only get the 18 months and I am just really happy that the judge isn't having this kind of behavior acceptable,? said Linell.

Linnell says her family is now considering replacing the goats. They were waiting to see what the sentence would be to know if the new goats would be safe.

Ok - need more details on this one - how did he "slowly decapitate" them - by using a dull knife? And why did he do it? Wierd indeed.

2 and 1/2 years in Tooele County is bad enough, let alone in the Tooele County jail! But this kind of crime does typically lead to other more heinous crimes. There probably is something very wrong with this dude, and this might be the best course of action for him.

Still though, for Stallworth to only get 30 days is a severe injustice!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
OK, I have heard this argument all day on the radio and it was driving me crazy!

Vick did not go to jail for killing dogs. He did not go to jail for dog fighting. He went to jail for financing an inter-state illegal gambling ring. He has not been charged with killing any dogs. The crimes are totally different. I think that Stallworth is getting away with murder, but I disagree with the basis of the comparison of the two.

I think there should be a 30 year min jail time for drunk drivers that kill someone and a lifetime revocation of driving privileges.

Vick's case was way more complicated than "killing dogs"

To get real insight into our judicial system, compare the Stallworth case with the guy that killed Nick Adenhart.....

Kill someone famous while you are drunk and get charged with murder...

Get killed by a famous person while they are drunk and they walk....but your family gets a big payday.....

Good points Andy - and your first point was my first point to begin with. But the Nick Adenhart crime is the clincher - basically the same thing and guaranteed that kid is going to spend a few years in Lompoc for sure, meanwhile Stallworth will spend 30 days in a Dade County Jail minimum security facility, pay some money, work some community service hours and be done with it. Then he will go back to the NFL and make millions again.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
"Vick's case was way more complicated than "killing dogs""

Of course it was, Roy already did a good job explaining that. I guess I could have done a better job making it clear...

The point is, the media makes a much bigger deal about someone
"organizing" illegal dog killings than it does about some thug killing an innocent human.

To me it shows that star atheletes are almost above the law, and that we hold our quarterbacks to a higher standard than our receivers.
>To me it shows that star
>atheletes are almost above the
>law, and that we hold
>our quarterbacks to a higher
>standard than our receivers.

And if you are a good RB you can carve up a few people and not do any time.....

good thing the pedestrian that was killed wasn't walking a dog at the time or Stallworth would really be in trouble
"And if you are a good RB you can carve up a few people and not do any time....."

Ain't that the truth. Athletes with money got it made. Look at the Jason Williams story. Shoots the limo driver with a frickin' shotgun and gets off with a slap on the wrist. I think a lot of it has to do with their skin color...


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