


I just read the post by GotBowAz. His son just finished his army basic training, and was just wondering as to how many of you have served in the military and what branch. I'll start I served in the U.S. Army.
US Army 1964-67....Vietnam '65-67

US Navy STS3(SS) 2001-2004. I was a sonar tech/supe but was 50% medically discharged after a bunch of knee surgeries that disqualified me from submarine duty...would go back in a heartbeat if they'd let me!! Hunting other submarines was as much fun as hunting anything :)


US Army from 1966-68; 4th Infantry Div. in Viet Nam and 2nd Armored Div. in Texas. This is the biggest weapon I ever hunted with, and it took a crew of 5 to do it right!!:)
I gotta be the only other bubblehead along with ~Z~. TM2(SS) aboard a fast attack from 92-95. Fun times for sure, but I whole-heartedly thank you men who served during war time.
Served in the U.S. Coast Guard 1974-78 on the USCGC MALLOW Honololu, HI....USCGC DILIGENCE Miami, FL.....USCGC MORGENTHAU Alameda, CA.....GunnersMate 2nd Class...was going up for 1st Class but needed to extend my enlistment, I said keep the stripe I'm going home...seen enough Drug Runners and Illegal Fisherman,,,
USN 74 - 07; Started out my enlisted time working with electronic countermeasures. Got out, got a couple of degrees and came back in as a health care scientist. Flew a lot. Best job was investigating airplane crashes.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
USN FC2(SW), worked on the radars and shot the big guns and missiles. Loved the oppurtunity and experience but hated being away from my wife and young son for 6-9 months at a time. Thank you to all of the others who served, even the marines. No "seaman" jokes yet?

"If God didn't want us to eat animals, then why did He make them out of meat?"
~Ted Nugent
US Army 1968-70. C co 4th-31st, Americal Division, Vietnam 68-69
Claim to fame was in/with Rocky Bleier and out and coming home on 1st medivac that day.
Nochalk, I've got a jarhead buddy who was in Beirut during the baracks bombing who loves to say that. I always tell him the only good marine is a submarine.;-)
U.S. Air force as a crew chief here at Williams AFB Az. when it was a base from 81 to 85.

Deuce?I am homered you started this post as a result of my sons enlistment.

LAST EDITED ON May-13-10 AT 11:59AM (MST)[p]GBA you're twisted. You got "HOMERED"? That is just plain twisted man. We all are familiar with HomerJ. Just kiddin' bud.

Hey Deuce, just like GBA said, thanx for the tribute to us wacked out patriots who took the extra step and put our arses on the line for the Red, White and Blue.

GBA I was raised about 1/2 mile south of the south crash gate at Willy.[/img][/url]
Steve Cheuvront

Avation Electronics
Helicopter fool
Tall grass coward
Drill Instructor MCRD

Dog gone those close together M?s and N?s on the keyboard! I even used spell check and it didn't catch it. Nice Catch Bates7. Made me laugh at myself over that one.

I now live in the Chandler Heights area just south of the base.

Well, somebody has to be responsible for getting the Marines to and from wherever they need to go.....otherwise they would all end up in the nearest bar or cathouse.....waiting for instructions. LOL
And like Gen. MacArthur said in the Philipines during WWII with the gathering of all military personel, we will re-group here at 1900 hrs. For you Marines, that is when the "big hand is on the 12, the little hand is on the 7 and it is DARK OUTSIDE."

>And like Gen. MacArthur said in
>the Philipines during WWII with
>the gathering of all military
>personel, we will re-group here
>at 1900 hrs. For
>you Marines, that is when
>the "big hand is on
>the 12, the little hand
>is on the 7 and

Because of my last name which happens to be the same as the above mentioned General and I have to work in the Philippines on occasion I have heard a lot of remarks, the most common coming when I clear customs is "so, you have returned." But the one about the marines is by far the best Gen. Mac quotes of all time.

"If God didn't want us to eat animals, then why did He make them out of meat?"
~Ted Nugent
I gotta tell this one on myself.

I am in the middle of selling fishing licenses to a bunch of clean cut young men and women, who I mistakenly took for college freshmen. They were all pretty smallish also.

One by one, they all presented Navy ID cards.....LTs and LTJGs.

I kind of giggled and made the comment that they were "signin' em up pretty young nowdays". I then said, proudly, that I was in the Navy.

One of the "kids" then said, "Oh really......North or South?"

I had it comin', and laughed with everyone else. It was classic!

Turns out that they are ALL FA-18 pilots, all carrier qualified and two of them were "Top Gun" graduates.
>Nochalk, I've got a jarhead buddy
>who was in Beirut during
>the baracks bombing who loves
>to say that. I
>always tell him the only
>good marine is a submarine.;-)

PM me his name unless it is William Guthrie "GUPPY" as we call him...22 MAU myself
Hey Nickman doesn't it make you swell up inside with pride when when you run into young soldiers, sailors & airmen? That's probably one of my most favorite things, meeting and dealing with young vets.[/img][/url]

I couldn't agree more!

Go to your nearest VA hospital and visit with the young guys and gals who are blown to sh!t and still love life and were proud to fight for their friends.

Ya got to love them, I do.

Steve Cheuvront
Bates....Ain't it so! Makes you think there's hope for us yet!

A trip thru a VA hospital will open your eyes. Our service men
and women, have not been the victims of so many amputations since the Civil War!

Damn, I hate the way we are forced to fight in these 3rd world turdpiles. Our Government simply sucks!

Don't get me started!
USMC 1999-2003 1st tank battalion 1st marine division 7th marine regiment....US Army dec 2005- Nov 2007...Med discharge 40 percent going for higher....I will briefly touch on the seaman thing...In boot camp the corpsman for 2nd battalion had the misfortune to be the rank of seaman, and the last name guzzler she was quite the hottie too as wiz would say i would hit it...made my month though


has anyone seen my kittie
That's funny Huntnfever. Seaman Guzzler, LMAO. If my last name was Guzzler you can bet your arse that I would've stayed as far away from the Navy recruiter as possible. You know, you just gotta know that the recruiter that signed her up probably had to wack himself in the nads to keep from laughing out loud. I don't think that I could've kept a straight face.[/img][/url]
sneekeepete, I had a guy in my platoon, his name was peterson. We called him porno pete, he always had the porn when we were out in the field.
Sgt. Peterson;

What does OIF and OEF stand for?

Thank you for your continued service and sacrafice
my brother.

OIF opperation Iraqi Freedom, OEF Opperation enduring freedom...In the begining OEF was for iraq and afganistan....then they came up with OIF..OIF 1 is the first year in iraq, OIF 2 The second...and so on..I was in OIF 1 and OIF 4 IV...hope it clears up things


has anyone seen my kittie

I'm sure you young studs already knew that, but us old men, at least me, wasn't sure what it was, I knew I meant some bullshit war and young people died, but wasn't sure which one.

I thought I would throw a picture of my son on here.
LCPL JT Williamson 2/3 USMC. Wounded in action August 6th 2009
Bakwa, Afghanistan. He was the only survivor of 5 in the HumV that hit an IED on night patrol. It's been a long road but as you can see he is making the best of it.

Ironhead i feel for your son...i know what i went through and it wasnt being the only one to survive a IED it will haunt him the rest of his life trust me. I know we marines are hard asses and dont talk about our feelings...but if he ever needs to talk no matter the time of day or night i am available...i dont sleep much anyways


has anyone seen my kittie
Zekers, I have to correct you, there are 3 of us on here. USN '99-'08, ET1(ss). I was a radioman on the Wyoming.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
Submarines 4 times the money LOL.
First tour on USS Pollack SSN 603 out of San Diego,then to USS Haddock SSN 621 station in Hawaii then drydock Mare Island last two years as Shore patrol served 74-79

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".

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