Very Sad Results

It is the first year to make it Mandatory. EVER. It is going to take awhile. Be patient, Oregonians are typically really good at this stuff. I would agree though most are lazy.

Nobody cares enough about ODFW to give them the time of day, or fill out their survey.

Can't say I blame them.
>Nobody cares enough about ODFW to
>give them the time of
>day, or fill out their
> Can't say I blame them.

Then we can only thank ourselves for declining game numbers. Why would hunters like to try and hide that info from ODFW when it would help us? Those hunters are only hurting themselves and other hunters. Your not hurting the workers of ODFW, but the amount of money and information to manage our game. Way to go all those people who were lazy in not filling out the survey.
Quite honestly, making people responsible to take the survey is never going to give any good results. Simply, people really don't care if ODFW has the info or not. Just the way it is, right or wrong. They could easily simplify it by taking a survey when they get their hunting license at the store similar to bird stamps and have the same survey online when people purchase them. Probably too simple so it won't happen.

If they cared about our game management they would have started the harvest reporting a long time ago!

Blacktail_Slayer do you really think that this is going to help our game management?

It doesn't take a biologist or harvest reporting to realize that our deer herds our at extremely low numbers, and that is the truth!ODFW is full of excuses and lies, all they want is the money! They could follow Colorado's deer plan and still mess it up! Just my .02 cents.

I think everyone on here would agree with me except you!!!!
A blind chimp with altzheimers could take a drive through eastern Oregon and know deer numbers are far below what they should be and elk numbers are falling in many units. lets study that for another decade or two.

All this survey is to ODFW is another way to look like they're doing something when they're not. all the information in the world is useless if you aren't going to act on it. probably they're use the low hunter success to justify higher tag numbers, since nobody is killing anything what will more tags hurt?

I'll fill out the survey if I ever draw another tag with the same enthusiasm and feeling of accomplishment I get when I pay my taxes.
they kicked their own @SS on this one. why call it "MANDATORY"" when there are no penaties? theres nothing "MANDATORY" about that??
i DID fill out my survey, but i can see why an average joe blow would go out of his way to take 5 minuts to do it. why?

do it the way they do the bird suvey, that will work 100% of the time. OR how about- YOU CANNOT BUY YOUR HUNTING LISCENSE until your survey is done?it's pretty simple to me??

if they want a survey- make it MANDATORY
>they kicked their own @SS on
>this one. why call it
>"MANDATORY"" when there are no
> penaties? theres nothing
>"MANDATORY" about that??
>i DID fill out my survey,
>but i can see why
>an average joe blow would
>go out of his way
>to take 5 minuts to
>do it. why?
>do it the way they do
>the bird suvey, that will
>work 100% of the time.
>OR how about- YOU
>until your survey is done?it's
>pretty simple to me??
> if they want a survey-
>make it MANDATORY

I agree with you. They wanted to use the carrot for the first 2 years and then switch over to the stick.
I guess I'm off the hook. I haven't had an Oregon tag in about 5 years and I likely won't draw one. That's ok there's very few places worth hunting anyway. Maybe I can fill it in if I draw an Antelope tag!

I did draw a Nevada elk tag 4 years ago. I did the survey and sent the tooth in as requested. I've yet to hear back from them?? I won't do that again.
I like the $50 fine and taking away of preference points. It sure would get all those hunters to report. I always here Oregon hunters claim they wish Oregon was more like other states. So why not do what NV does?
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