Very Refreshing!!

Hmmm refreshing or just washed up? Not quite the same as he used to be but still getting the job done I suppose. Good for him and the G-men though. They sure were fun to watch.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Thanks Roy! Washed up? It's certain that he did not have a great world series but aside from that, we could not have asked for a better team mate. Burrell, supplied good power numbers with 18 homers and a proportionate number of RBI's in not a full season. Many of those were in key places that helped the Giants to win games and he was proved to be a tuff out at the plate and decent, with better than advertised, defense and a strong arm in the outfield. He was also well received in the clubhouse both from the players and management. He played good strong team baseball!

Yes, there is good possibility that his numbers will be declining but even if so, not crying to the media of needing more money or hiring the best agent to help seek him out his due, is refreshing. Seems almost all the players nowadays are all about "show me the money" and Burrells presence was certainly going to be requested by other teams if he had not gone ahead and resigned for cheap with the Giants.

Thank You Pat Burrell for your unselfish gesture and attitude!!

I was really hoping that Burrell would return this year, he made a big difference in the team this year. I have been reading that the Giant's are thinking about bringing up Brandon Belt this year a power hitting 22 year old from their minor leagues. He hit about 370 last year, and if he comes up and starta at 1B Huff will move to the OF. It is starting to look like the roster is pretty well set for 2011.
then the wheels fell off, happens every year to someone who is a the top.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
LAST EDITED ON Dec-09-10 AT 07:46PM (MST)[p]The second half of the season was something very special for the team and for the fans. Once in a lifetime special. I think Burrell recognizes that and wants to see if it will continue next season.

We didn't win because we had a super star. We didn't win because we had the biggest pay role. We won because we had that special team spirit. Money can't buy it and talent can't guarantee it.

I say good for him, and agree with Joey....very refreshing.


Edit: What I want for Christmas
He's lucky to get a mill after his World Series performance!!

Kidding, kidding...I always liked Burrell when he was with the Phillies. When he got released by the Rays last season he spent some time in Triple-A ball, and I got to see him play a couple games here in SLC against the Bees. He's a big dude, and a good solid hitter.

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