

Whatever our personal thoughts and feeling are for the war in Iraq , the sentiments expressed in this are definitely Kleenex requiring.

This film was made by a 15 year old girl. It is the hottest thing on the Internet.

Lizzie Palmer, who put this YouTube program together, is 15 years old. There have been over 3,000,000 hits as of this morning. In case you missed it, here it is.

Watch all of it.......and, pass it on!!
Man, that was tough to watch. All those lives lost and those still over there. To my cousin James, Stay safe and come home! Thank you for all you do Cous'.
Great video.

"I shoot at wolves, I don't dance with them." :)
Stands With A Fist
Thank you for sharing. That is a great video. Makes me proud for serving and being part of something much larger than myself.

Sgt Mike Adkins
1st Bn 5th Marines Weapons Company
OIF III Ramadi, Iraq

Aim Center Mass
Wow!! If that doesn't choke you up then nothing will. God bless our soldiers...
I agree it was tough to watch.. I'm one that has always believed that you stand up for your country.. I think we need to keep those people in our thoughts / prayers that are standing for our country and hope they get home to loved ones soon.. safely..
I saw that a year or two ago and I cried! Very moving and very cool video. Thanks for the repost. Love it. Makes me feel quite humbled.

Incredible video. American soldiers are the guard dog of the world along with this wonderful country. Thank You!
>Wow!! If that doesn't choke you
>up then nothing will. God
>bless our soldiers...

+1 I got kinda choked up too Lord keep them safe.

Kindness is the language the blind can see and the deaf can hear. - Mark Twain
The old BeanMan doesn't get teary eyed too often. But I sure did watching that.

Thanks all of you Men and Women for your service.

To all of those who are serving our country, thank you! And may God watch over you and your families wherever you may be.

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