Vernal hotels


Active Member
I will be in Vernal on Friday Sept. 18th to watch my son and nephew play football against the mighty Uintah Utes. I am thinking of staying overnight instead of driving home late that night. Any info on a decent, inexpencive hotel would by appreciated greatly.
Ewwww! Don't stay at the Super 8! Vernal has better ones than that! There is a new Holiday Inn Express, A Day's Inn, The Best Western Antlers Inn is nice, The Weston (on the west end of town as you drive in) has an indoor pool, The Motel 6 is acutally nice. Don't stay at the Super 8! Bleech.
Last year when we drove through Vernal on our way to Colorado hunting, it looked like every hotel was full of pipeline workers. Maybe they have wrapped up their project and moved on by now but I thought I would say something.

- Rich
That explains the prices. Even No-tell motel is $80.
The better hotels are over $100. Thats more than St. George.
I guess you "basinites" won't get the privelage of my presence for that extra day. Go Dons!!!
Yeah...the motels still haven't gotten the memo that there are only 20 rigs in the area nowadays. House prices haven't come down around here either. I wonder if the oil companies still keep them filled. I guess they must if they're still asking for 80-100 bucks. Which No-tell did you ask? Split Mountain? Lazy K?

We just KOA'd it. Nice place, cost us 24 whole bucks to put up a tent, had a great firepit, showers, electricity to charge stuff. They have cabins, too, for about the same as a no-tell.

Triple, thought about ya as we went out and back, but I was such a dork to forget your numbah!
>Triple, thought about ya as we
>went out and back, but
>I was such a dork
>to forget your numbah!

Next time! Catch me next time.
I did a search to see what the Vernal Super 8
Looked like, that must be it in the background.

Can you comfirm that Bessy ? :)


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