Venison vs. Beef



I found this to be humorous, you may as well. :)

With hunting season already upon us in many corners of the country, I
figured this might be a timely message - with plenty to think on
the proper care of the results of your hunt, should your hunt result in
than just pleasant memories and scenery pictures.

From the U.S. Venison Council

*Controversy has long raged about the relative quality and taste of
and beef as gourmet foods. Some people say venison is tough, with a
"wild" taste. Others insist venison's flavor is delicate. An independent

food research group was retained by the Venison Council to conduct a
test to determine the truth of these conflicting assertions once and for

all. *

*First, a Grade A Choice Holstein steer was chased into a swamp a mile
and a
half from a road and shot several times. After some of the entrails were

removed, the carcass was dragged back over rocks and logs, and through
and dust to the road. It was then thrown into the back of a pickup truck
driven through rain and snow for 100 miles before being hung out in the
for a day. *

*It was then lugged into a garage where it was skinned and rolled around
the floor for a while. Strict sanitary precautions were observed
the test, within the limitations of the butchering environment. For
instance, dogs and cats were allowed to sniff and lick the steer
but most of the time were chased away when they attempted to bite chunks
of it. *

*Next, a sheet of plywood left from last year's butchering was set up in
basement on two saw horses. The pieces of dried blood, hair and fat left

from last year were scraped off with a wire brush last used to clean out
grass stuck under the lawn mower. *

*The skinned carcass was then dragged down the steps into the basement
a half dozen inexperienced but enthusiastic and intoxicated men worked
on it
with meat saws, cleavers, hammers and dull knives. The result was 375
of soup bones, four bushel baskets of meat scraps, and a couple of
that were an eighth of an inch thick on one edge and an inch and a half
thick on the other edge. *

*The steaks were seared on a glowing red hot cast iron skillet to lock
the flavor. When the smoke cleared, rancid bacon grease was added, along

with three pounds of onions, and the whole conglomeration was
fried for two hours. *

*The meat was gently teased from the frying pan and served to three
intoxicated and blindfolded taste panel volunteers. Every member of the
panel thought it was venison. One volunteer even said it tasted exactly
the venison he has eaten in hunting camps for the past 27 years. *

*The results of this scientific test conclusively show that there is no
difference between the taste of beef and venison...*

LAST EDITED ON Oct-08-10 AT 09:07PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Oct-08-10 AT 09:04?PM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Oct-08-10 AT 09:03?PM (MST)

Excellent Ink! or Inc. (wtf is Antler Ink)?

The same test applies to that beauty queen you met at the bar!


Krud. Had to nuke myself
I went to school at CSU. A few years after I graduated, the Physiology department had a Master's Degree student who wanted to compare some differences between those who ate beef and those who ate venison. The guy doing the study was a bow hunter. From what I remember he got permission from DOW to knock down a few elk in Rocky Mountain National Park to gather the venison for his study....lucky guy, my nephew still bitches about the elk eating his garden (he lives in Estes Park).

Anyway, the results of the study indicated that those who ate the venison, and did nothing else to modify their diet, showed statistically significant lowered cholesterol levels than the beef eating folks.

I wish I had thought of that study when I was there.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
LAST EDITED ON Oct-09-10 AT 11:41AM (MST)[p]Slickrock----Antlers Ink is my sideline business. I started making pens out of Elk,Moose,Deer,Waterbuffalo,and Antelope horns years ago, and now I make just about anything out of antlers. Yes, the name is a play on words to (Antlers Inc.) By the way if anyone is looking for a unique Christmas gift you can pick an Elk,Moose,or Deer pen for $35.00 or a Waterbuffalo or Antelope pen for $45.00. :)

Oooops! Thanks BeanMan

The Wife and I eat mostly elk and prefere it to beef. Except for Prime Rib. We cut up our own and She is really picky about the final product, it makes a difference.

Antlers_ink, Missing an L in the Link?
I like venison! But, I do love a good Beef Steak once in awhile. Give me a big ol USDA Choice; Porterhouse, T-Bone, or a Rib Steak. Prime Rib on the Rare side is also a long time favorite.

You know that's right Eel.
The family and I eat wild game exclusively and love it. I ran out of burger meat this summer and had to buy beef. TERRIBLE, the amount of fat in the stuff. My new favorite is whitetail. Had my first this last year, and now I will make it a point to load the freezer with that fine meat!
I haven't bought beef in 3 years, at least. I have eaten elk, mule deer, turkey, cougar, antelope, chukar, and duck, and like them all.

My cholesterol is pretty low also, even with a diet of red meat all year long.

They can keep those steaks at the store.


>Nothing tastes better than beef (that
>I have eaten). A
>good elk tenderloin is a
>close second.

I agree completly!

If it weren't so, they would have been called "Deerboys", instead of "Cowboys"!

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