Venison Kabobs


Long Time Member

Venison Kabobs

3 lbs venison
2 White Onions
2 Bell peppers
1 Pkg. Bacon
Pineapple Chunks (Optional)
Italian Dressing
Garlic salt
Season salt

You will want to use good cuts of venison for this recipe.. I either use the Back straps or the nice clean large muscles in the rear quarters.
Make sure to remove all fat and silver strand from meat (One reason I like to butcher my own game).

Cut venison into chunks about 2" and 1" thick then place into a bowl and ad the Italian dressing mix it up then cover with
plastic wrap and into the fridge. Let marinate at least 4 hrs but no more than overnight.

Cut bacon in half and set aside

Cut Onions and Bell peppers (and optional pineapple) into chunks into same size as meat.

Drain marinade from meat and wrap each cube with bacon then thread onto Skewer, alternating with pieces of meat and the vegetable's and optional pineapple.

Season loaded skewers with the garlic salt,season salt and pepper

Place onto a medium heat grill until med. rare...DO NOT OVERCOOK. It is very easy to overcook venison because of it's high protein
content...It will continue to cook after you remove it from the heat until it cools down. It is safer to lean on the rare side because of this

This meal is excellent and goes great with home made pilaf.


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There ya go fireball77...I finally got to typing this out....Give it a try..


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
What time is Dinner?? Do I have enough time to drive down there since it is now 2:30 PDT??

That sure looks like good eating for sure.

Sounds good. Writing down recipe. Only thing to add is add lots of GARLIC powder, you can't cook without garlic....LOL.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"

Remind me to stand back a ways from you when we meet, garlic breath. LMAO A little garlic salt or powder is fine but NOT SATURATED.

Looks yummy Bucksnort,
You're right about it being easy to over cook, I've learned the hard way many times.

"Ain't no pisscutter worth it but we keep doing it!" -Bobcatbess
Thanks Snort, wow those look yummy now if they just taste that way, I will have to wait till 45 gets his deer, then I will try it and let you know.thanks again

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