Vegetarian Thanksgiving...Who Cares!


Long Time Member

I've really had it up to here with hippies, vegans & the like.
Would love some vegans go to a meal with my grandparents when I was a kid.

Your post reminded me of one of the meals.

My Grandparents were first generation Italian immigrants. There was no such thing as waste.

My grandmother was a great cook. One of the dishes was blood pudding.

The way this is made is when an animal was killed, hung to be bled, throat was cut and blood was drained into a bowl held by the lady of the house. It was stirred as it drained from the animal so it would not coagulate. Being stirred the whole time it is taken to the house, mixed with herbs, minced onions and then chilled. Then of course it coagulates hence blood pudding.

I can still remember myself and 2 brothers about 7-12 yrs old looking at each other eating this pudding with bloody mouths and teeth. In our household "little Johnnie" did not decide he did not like something. You ate what you were given and would never even think of telling parents or grandparents you didnt like it.

Would love to have some ciy vegans sitting across the table from us and us little kids grinning with our bloody smiles.

Dont know why I thought of it when I saw your post.

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