Variable power binoculars



What binos are out there that have variable powers? I'm was thinking that leica made a pair, was wondering if there are any others out there that are any good?
yes leica makes a pair, luepold has out some new ones, nikon has made htem in the past. i have used the leicas and the nikons, didnt care foor either, in fact the nikons flat sucked.
I have used the Leica Duovids and would recommend them in a heartbeat. Chef from here on the site has them and lent them to me for a hunt. They list for about $2500 (can be found for less is you look a little) but they cover both the 10X and the 15X's. If I had the extra money laying around I would buy them today.
Leica makes the Duovids. I have a pair of the 10+15x50. Have put them against a pair of Swaro 15s, both on tripods, and viewed across a field at pine needles, shadows, and license plates till dark, looking at brightness, resolution, color. 2 out of 3 of us prefered the Duovids, but it was really close to pick one over the other. Could not go wrong with either for 15x binos.

Leupold makes a Gold Ring Switch Power bino, but I have no experience with them.

IDDdesertman- I would say Leica Duovids for sure. But there is one thing to consider when going with variables. FIELD OF VIEW is greatly dominished when compared to like powers. Duovids at 10x has 274ft. compared to 336ft. from a 10x42 Leica Ultravid. The 15x Duovid setting has 208ft. and the Swarovski 15x56 has a 231ft. I think that field of view is extremely important when glassing, especially at closer distances. Another option would be to go with the 8-12x42 Duovid. 8x fov is 351ft. 12x fov is 268ft. With these you gain some fov, lose a little bit in power and lose some weight and gain space(smaller size). Another option would be to go with a 12x50 Ultravid HD. Fov is 299ft. In the end remember this- Buy the best glass you can afford, use a tripod as much as possible and slow down when glassing. Good luck with your selection. CDN
Like my little bro said, the Duovids are great but FOV is "diminished" and that is what finally pushed me away from them. That and they are a little heavy. I used both the 8-12 and 10-15s for several years and liked them very much. Great glass.

It really is an issue of convenience. If you could only have one set of binos but needed two different magnifications the Duovids are the answer hands down but there are better 8s, 10s, 12s, and 15s on the market then what you will get with the Duos and some of them are made by Leica.

I appreciate the input guys. Basically I've decided that I just cant stand looking through spotting scopes for long durations (regardless of quality), and I want a set of powerful binos to glass with instead. I want to look at a couple of these variable powers but will most likely get a seperate set of 15x binos. While we're on the subject, any recommendations on binos that are 15x or better?
CDN is the expert but I don't know that there is really a lot of choice if you want to buy brand new. The Swarovskis are the high end choice but Vortex is soon to be out with their 15x56 ED glasses retailing at around $1200 to $1300.


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