Valuable Junk.


Long Time Member
What is the most valuable piece of junk you have? I was just looking through some old Union Pacific pins and such on ebay. It is amazing what some of the things I remember floating around in grandpa's junk drawer growing up are worth now. Wish I knew where half that stuff ended up not so much for the monetary value but the nostalgia now.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-18-11 AT 06:03AM (MST)[p]I have two very old baseball given to me by my ex father inlaw that are signed by some famous players. It's all very faded but I would to love to know how much they are worth??
I've got some valuable junk but in courtesy of not getting your thread nuked I'll refrain from posting any pics ;-)

I have a saddle that was made by craftsman that originally came from wisconsin and moved to montana. They made a saddle for John Wayne and for many other famous cowboys of that time period. I bought mine for 250 and got it cleaned up by a local and she went and looked up the history of the thing and came back and told me it was worth between 1500 and 2000 with the matching saddle bags and halter which I have. Now for some real junk go through my grandfathers tackle box from the 50's and there you will find some great gems.
I hawe 3 1980 Moscow Olympics pins which were given to me on a Russian Trawler boarding in 1978 in the gulf of Alaska....we boycotted the games that year because of the Russian involvement in Afghanistan..kinda of ironic isn't it?? They are worth boo-coo bucks..
Well after a trip to the urologist about 5 years ago, my junk is no longer valuable.

Oh wait...!! This isn't another "V" word thread. Sorry - my bad.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
lol Roy.

I have literally tons of junk around here. Unfortunately I'm still using most it to farm with. :)

My Dad was a collector of lots of things and I inherited most of it, some usable, some valuable, some truly junk. One thing I took down off the old tack shed wall a long time ago was a pair of early 1900s J S Garcia silver inlaid spurs. They were rusted and tarnished but polished up nicely. Had a jippo collector come by once about 15 years ago and offer me $350 cash. I declined his offer. Don't know what they are really worth but I won't sell them anyway. Story my Dad told me about them is that when he was a little boy his Godfather rode into their ranch and sold his horse, saddle and spurs to my Grandfather to raise money because he was returning to the "old country". My Dad never saw hos Godfather again.
When I was a kid my dad worked as a night watchman for the movie Return of the Jedi part of which was filmed near my hometown. Towards the end of filming here they took a bunch of stuff to the dump and just threw it away! My dad grabbed a Prop pistol out of the trash and a few sets of rain gear that were emblazoned with the title Blue Harvest which was a cover up name for the film. My uncles worked there also and one of them got a Stormtrooper helmet.

Fast forward to about 8 or 10 years ago when a collector came to town asking about such items and my uncle sold him the helmet and a few other small items and my other uncle also sold some things as they both needed the money. The stormtrooper helmet sold for about $500 if I recall correctly.

Fast forward to this last year and a guy calls my dad to try and track down the helmet and in the discussion the prop pistol comes up as well which starts a bidding war because as soon as dad figured out it was worth $5000 sight unseen to this guy he researches and contacts other potential buyers. He finally accepted a bid of $17,000 for the pistol.

This is just a prop with no working or moving parts and made of resin, CRAZY AZZ COLLECTORS!

Side note my uncle that had the helmet called the collector about some other stuff and did what he shouldn't have and asked what the helmet was worth and the guy told him $60,000! He shoulda never asked!

My ex wife had a storage shed rented in Sacramento, full of her "valuable junk"....$88.00 a month.

She had been paying rent on it for 6 years prior to our meeting.

Four years later, she went to get the stuff and have a yard sale at the storage facility.

She had over $10k in rental fees.......sold the whole mess for $463.00.........Pretty cool huh?

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
I've got an old Confederate $20 bill, I think the date is 1778. Not sure if its worth anything though.

Traditional >>>------->
She had over $10k in rental fees.......sold the whole mess for $463.00.........Pretty cool huh?

Nickman, something tells me you really enjoyed that, ha ha ha LMAO!

I have some old mining vegetable cans and some bottles dated back in the early 40?s that I found in the tailings a few mines. I keep them displayed at home on a shelf in my game room. I also dug up a stick of dynamite, I quit digging and I have never dug in the tailings again! Too bad too as I was really finding some cool stuff.

I have two 1812 Russian Trading Beads that were used to trade with the Indians over at Fort Ross, CA on the coast Two Hundred years ago....not for sale yet locked up in safe.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-18-11 AT 03:33PM (MST)[p]Stanley, You ain't been putting you bird in the right bush!
Most of the old junk I have I can't reveal. You never know who is prowling around on the internet.

My dad was a retired railroad employee. Lots of the stuff he had is collectable. Railroad buffs are weird people. Like rock star groupies. lol

I have most of the stuff my dad picked up in WWII in Germany. Old photos, belt buckles and such.

>I've got an old Confederate $20
>bill, I think the date
>is 1778. Not sure if
>its worth anything though.
>Traditional >>>------->

wow...I had no idea the confederacy was printing money in 1778.....they must have been doubt it is valuable. Gotta be the only one.

>I have two 1812 Russian Trading
>Beads that were used to
>trade with the Indians over
>at Fort Ross, CA on
>the coast Two Hundred years
>ago....not for sale yet locked
>up in safe.

Glad you had the foresight way back then to hang on to a few...


If rifle hunting was gay swbuckmaster would do it...
>>I have two 1812 Russian Trading
>>Beads that were used to
>>trade with the Indians over
>>at Fort Ross, CA on
>>the coast Two Hundred years
>>ago....not for sale yet locked
>>up in safe.
>Glad you had the foresight way
>back then to hang on
>to a few...

Wow Brian.. I didn't know you were Russian. What did you used to get from the indians for the beads?
I have a California Grizzly bear skull, authenticated by the University of California that my late brother in law unearthed while excavating the foundation of my home.
It's one of the biggest on record.
Since the California Dept of Fish & Game prohibits the sale of ANY bear part, I guess it would be more likely classified as "worthless Junk".




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