Utards got shafted

  • Thread starter Dmanmastertracker
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The BCS is invalid. Utah will be penciled in as the #1 team by anyone paying attention this year and for that matter, I would put Florida about 4th overall behind USC, Boise and Texas. Those small school games they play every year shouldn't put them at the top, with a loss to the likes of Ole Miss, while USC's only loss came to a very, very good OSU team.
Its all crap. Utah has one good team one year and other teams that are decent and we ##### about not being #1, Its a good team and all but now IF we get in the BCS and we suck after this they will laugh at us. We are not the caliber as the schools in the south.
I think Florida and Utah were the 2 best teams this year. It is tough to say but I think Florida would have beat Utah in a Nat. Champ Game. Eventhough they were technically 13-0.I do not like how Texas and Oklahoma play on a Neutral field. Playing at another teams stadium gives the game a whole different perspective. If Utah is wanting to step it up and see how they would compare before jumping in they need a tougher pre-season schedule.
Read the ESPN arcticle in Troutsniffers post by Rick Reilly, He sums it up perfectly............
The only reason the Southern teams are supposedly better, is because of the money, which comes from the BS BCS, and exposure. These Southern teams are forced down our throats by the likes of ABC, CBS, ESPN, and FOX. The only exception is USC here in the west.
SO with all of that, thats where all of the top recruits want to go. Leaving the "smaller" schools to pick up the leftovers. Not to hard to figure out.
D-Man! Welcome back - where have you been? Hiding under a rock in Idaho somewhere evidently by your crackpot claim! I would love to hear your reasoning behind putting Boise State ahead of everyone else - I mean really dude? Really? LOL - good to have you back though!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
HNY Roy, took up bow hunting, I've been in the woods for about the last 3 months.....

I think you have to put the one loss teams in one category (behind Utah) and go from there.

Boise (beat OU, who beat Oregon State and Okl. State)
USC beat 7 bowl teams
Texas beat 5 bowl teams but had weak opponent's early
Florida was 4-1 against bowl teams and blew out a lot of weak teams, unimpressive and very lucky to beat Oklahoma

I put the most stock in how many bowl teams a team beat, not beating teams that were ranked early on, it only matter's how you finished.

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