Utards Better Be Current On Child Support!

Good!! I Like this idea. I wish somehow they could red flag their names so they can’t even apply for hunts. It’s sad guys would feel like they had to pay it to even hunt though. It’s just your kids though right.
“It’s just your kids though, right?”

Made me laugh and probably so true in the minds of some dudes.

I doubt it will impact the points creep by very much but hey, any improvement is good.

My daughters ex decided he liked doing drugs with his mommy more than his family. She left him and moved into our basement. 8 years ago. He hasnt payed one dime in 8 years for child support, doesnt even call them on birthdays, or christmas. He got popped for forging a perscription, and the state said based on his wage, he owes he $82000. All he does is ride his new wheeler( registeredin his mommas name) and hunt. Hope to god this passes. And they let him out with a slap on the wrist... POS . Btw they have 3 sons 14, 12, and 9

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