Utah's Western Hunting X-bo



I'll be there Friday night and Saturday if anyone wants my Autograph. Will be long lines and alot of hot chicks around me. So sign up early................


People, they thin' I don't know a Buttload of Crap About the Gosple, but I do. (Nacho Libre)
OH MY GAWD THE MOOSIE IS BACK...HOW YA BEEN.. WILL YOU BE TWEEKIN THE NIPS AGAIN THIS YEAR..that was an ugly picture that has been burned into my brain.....RIMROCK
Here..now everyone can have daymare's as well as nightmares...

MAn, a guy can leave for 6 motnhs and come home to like nothing ever changed :)

Hey, for those boyz that want to Burry this Fatty, I'm signed up for the rush triathlon in rexburg on Aug. 16th.


I know alot of you MM.com boys think yer hot Chit. Wanna do a Hunttalk V's MM.com team ? say, pick 10 guys against our 10 guys ? Or something like that ?

I know founder is tough, I'm sure he can Finish the race before I'm done swimming..... Or, maybe not ?!?! :) :)

At any rate, Friday I'l lbe around if any of you want to sign my nipples !!!


People, they thin' I don't know a Buttload of Crap About the Gosple, but I do. (Nacho Libre)
>I know alot of you MM.com
>boys think yer hot Chit.
>Wanna do a Hunttalk V's
>MM.com team ? say, pick
>10 guys against our 10
>guys ? Or something like
>that ?
>I know founder is tough, I'm
>sure he can Finish the
>race before I'm done swimming.....
>Or, maybe not ?!?! :)

Well, since IDBugler posts here and there, how about we get him for our team?!?!
>Well, since IDBugler posts here and
>there, how about we get
>him for our team?!?!

By "OUR TEAM".. Are you talking HT or MM ? I know you bat on both sides of the fence.

As far as IDbugler, MM.com can have him. Sure, he's buff, but I'd kick his A$$ in a triathlon. Now, if it was lifting buss's or small villiages, he would win :p


People, they thin' I don't know a Buttload of Crap About the Gosple, but I do. (Nacho Libre)
> Nice.... I like how
>the other guy is checking
>out the pasty MOOBS

lmao. my brain is ruined.

-Cody AKA BigBuck92
I would like to Nominate Tripple K for the triathalon. She can kick his arse in New York heart beat.

>>Well, since IDBugler posts here and
>>there, how about we get
>>him for our team?!?!
>By "OUR TEAM".. Are you talking
>HT or MM ? I
>know you bat on both
>sides of the fence.
>As far as IDbugler, MM.com can
>have him. Sure, he's buff,
>but I'd kick his A$$
>in a triathlon. Now, if
>it was lifting buss's or
>small villiages, he would win

You'd kick my a$$. Come on bro. That fat must be getting into your brain. I already told you that I will be hunting when your little event is going on.

But if you really want to do a competition let's head over to the gym and do some lifting. I'll even throw out the body weight to lifting weight ratio. :)

Schmalts - That picture has been around. You can tell the almost stunned pukey look to my face.
Somebody post that picture with Me, Tuffbucker andFounder.... No one could win against me. Look at my PECKS !!! :p


People, they thin' I don't know a Buttload of Crap About the Gosple, but I do. (Nacho Libre)
>Somebody post that picture with Me,
>Tuffbucker andFounder.... No one could
>win against me. Look at
>my PECKS !!! :p

Ask and ye shall recieve!

HAHA.. thats jsut sick that you guys have those pictures of me..... Freaky SICK !!! :) :)

I might need to start training for that triathlon. Last night I walked from my truck into the Burgerking for excercise. Usually I dive through, It's a good start, don't laugh......


People, they thin' I don't know a Buttload of Crap About the Gosple, but I do. (Nacho Libre)

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