ELK MAN (Guest)

I just learned that the goveners permit for elk in utah sold last night at the rmef banquet in reno for only $49,000. Why the hugh drop off fron last year? Also I heard the same guy bought it, he must think he stole it.
With the caliber of bulls they pulled out the state last year i am shocked that it only went for that amount, considering last it went for $79,000.
What did Nevada and Arizona's go for? Are you sure Utah's went this weekend? I thought the MDF in Utah was auctioning Utah's elk tag.
MDF does have the statewide .
RMEF has the Pahvant and several other unit only tags. The Pahvant tag would be my guess for that price. Some people have to much money to through away. No elk is worth that much. And the sad part is people spend twice that much for one.
MDF did get the tag with the low bid but they worked some deal or trade with RMEF to auction it at their national convention. It was sold last weekend for $49000. I heard that the New Mexico statewide tag sold for $94000 at the same auction.
Saxon I'm curious to what your elk and deer tags cost you this past fall?

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