LAST EDITED ON Mar-22-10 AT 09:49AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Mar-22-10 AT 09:49?AM (MST)

I would like other Utah residents opinion on this post please. The Utah DWR proposed hunt dates for the youth any bull elk hunt for 2011 are 9/14-9/23 ten days. This means Utah archery Elk hunters are going to get poor hunt dates again in 2011 (8/20-9/13). The youth get 3 days for the Turkey hunt, 10 days for the rifle elk hunt? Would that many parents let their kids miss eight days of school? How about 4 days, (Friday-Monday) Sept 30-Oct3. And move the General Archery Elk hunt up to Sept 29th or 30th. Utah has the Worst Archery Elk hunt dates in the West. 14,466 resident and non-resident archery elk hunters are given poor hunt dates to try and entice 300 youth to get interested in hunting. The problem is to many adults are getting out of hunting and not takeing their kids out to hunt. Because of lack of opportunity. These youth will be hunting the same poor general season hunt dates and/or areas in a few years with us all anyway. Maybe I'm wrong, I dont know? Please give feedback!!
I'm sorry but I have to disagree. I think these junior hunts are great. I took my son on one and it was one of the most memorable hunts we have been on. It was just him and me,we hunted hard,we had a great camp and he got a nice 5X6 bull.It's something neither of us will ever forget.I love to bow hunt but I am OK with the trade if someone else is possibly able to take their kid on a hunt like the one we had.
>I'm sorry but I have to
>disagree. I think these junior
>hunts are great. I took
>my son on one and
>it was one of the
>most memorable hunts we have
>been on. It was just
>him and me,we hunted hard,we
>had a great camp and
>he got a nice 5X6
>bull.It's something neither of us
>will ever forget.I love to
>bow hunt but I am
>OK with the trade if
>someone else is possibly able
>to take their kid on
>a hunt like the one
>we had.

How many days were you hunting with your son before he taged out. Congrats on his bull!!
We spotted the elk on the evening of the fifth day and he got his bull the morning of the sixth day.
Thanks for the congrats.
I hunted 2 weeks OTC archery by myself as a NR and killed a bull two days before my son arrived. A couple guys on here pointed me in the right direction (AWLB and Pleasedear). I still owe them a bottle. My son and a buddy packed in 3 miles to our spike camp and he killed his bull the first 45 minutes of hunting. It was an awesome stringy 4 x 4. He got spoiled 'cause I had it figured out pretty well. For a first bull and experience I couldn't have imagined it any better. These hunts are really important for youths. I'm not sure of the success rates, but I feel it gives a youth the "best" chance at success.

I think the youth hunt is a good thing too. The bulls on the any bull units are pretty call shy, people are able to call them in but it is pretty rare. I had to change the way I archery hunt but I have tagged out the last 2 years. The elk rut never falls the same every year. I heard bulls bugling up until I shot mine opening morning of the archery hunt, and while I was packing him out bulls were bugling around me. I was able to call in 3 bulls for friends during the archery hunt, they all missed. This year they were still bugling quite a bit during general rifle. I was able to call in a nice 6 point bull for another friend and he made a great shot. I don't know how many elk I called to that took off or shutup after I called, but you gotta try if there's no way to get closer right? I think there's too many people/groups telling the fish and game what to do, and they listen. They don't stick to the long term plans. Everything changes every year so you just learn to deal if you want to hunt.


LAST EDITED ON Mar-23-10 AT 01:35PM (MST)[p]I have to disagree with the original post as well. Although, I am still anticipating getting my B&C buck in the future. Nothing would make me happier than to be with my son when he takes his first buck or bull........or when he takes his B&C buck or bull. I went this year with my son hunting deer and elk for his first time and I wouldn't have traded it for any big buck that might have come my way. I hardley hunted this year........it wa all about being with my boy.

As for taking him out of school....well I took him out of school for 6 days last fall. It was well worth it!!! The time spent with my son on the hunt is irreplacable. We will do it again this next year. His grades didn't even suffer as he earned a 4.0 that semester and still maintains an overall GPA of a 3.8.

I think it is rather selfish of someone to take away hunting privileges from the youth for their own benefit. I also think it was fro selfish reasons that youth can't put in for LE tags until they are 14. If you think it is tough for you to draw your tag without ther competition, what do you think the odds are for the youth just now coming of age? Sur people may say that they have been putting in for "X" # of years and they deserve a tag before the youth do. Well i think that is a rather selfish thought. At any rate if you have been putting in for 15 years, the odds are way in your favor over a 14 year old that is now putting in for the draw. In the grand scheme of things it really wouldn't change your odds much of youth 12 and 13 were able to put in.

I am all for the youth. I'd rather see my boy or another boy whom I am hunting with take a B&C animal than myself. The enjoyment that comes from that far out weighs the enjoymeny that might come if I took the animal.

Let the youth hunt. Let them have some priveleges, after all there chances of drawing a LE tag in their lifetime really aren't that good.
I am glad youth have more days to hunt. They can have a few more days to hunt after school.

Love to see a kid have more chances to hunt.
As for archery hunting. Yeah that great if the youth want to archery hunt. I even archery hunt, but I got to say that archery hunters seem to be getting more and more of the opportunity part of the pie, at the expense of rifle and muzzleloader hunters. If opportunity is increased then increase for rifle hunters as well as archers. If opportunity is dcreased then it ought to be decreased for achery as well as rifle. Also, the addage that archery harvest is insignificant, just doesn't make sense. If the average harvest succes for deer rifle is around 28% and that is considered highly significant, then the archery deer harvest of 17% must have some significance on the buck/doe ratio. Likwise with the bull/cow ratio in the general season bull units.

I am not in favor of anymore benefits to archery hunters. We already have nearly a month to hunt the general archery season (statewide) and then the extended areas for how many months? The more opportunity archers get, the more likely that harvest rate will go up, and common sense says that harvest rate does have an affect on the amount of bucks/bulls in a population.
Every little bit helps with harvest survey. I'm all for going to more primitive weapons (I like to rifle hunt too) to help out herd numbers.


I Do See were you are coming from but I also like the youth hunts too.. It does seem like the we take it from behind in alot of situations, lets always remember the youth, But also don't forget the majority of it all who make it all possible "The regular, Middle class, Average tax paying adult" keep em in mind too Oh well S--t in one hand in wish in the other I guess

Guys who call this a raghorn/dink = Worthless

Smile on your childs' face = Priceless

I would give up every year of hunting for my children, but that is just me.


>Guys who call this a raghorn/dink
>= Worthless
>Smile on your childs' face =
>I would give up every year
>of hunting for my children,
>but that is just me.

Nice Bull, congrat's to your son on his bull!!

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