Utah vs TCU



Wow! TCU has a great team this year. It looks like they are well on thier way to a B.S. bowl. They really put on the gas last night against Utah.
I've been saying it all season, TCU can play with and beat any team in the country this year, and they showed exactly how good they are last night. Clowned stomps the Utes bad, just like they did BYU.

Well Texas Tech wants out they do not want to play TCU anymore . I would not be suprised if TCU has problems finding other good teams to play them Just like Boise St.
Let's see the Frogs and Utes and Boise State boys play a full tough conference slate week in and week out like the SEC and Big 12 teams do every year-then see if that record is so shiny.

Life is much easier when you have only a couple of real games to get ready for every year....

(Yep I said it and the truth hurts,don't it?)

TCU's SOS is higher than most of your so called powers from the BIG 12 or SEC. I wouldn't be talking much smack this year if I was a big 12 fan. Texas is all you've got and they have looked vulnerable many times this year. Likely TCU will get matched up with the loser of the SEC champ. game, come back and talk after that game.....

The so called BIG BOYS don't want to play these schools for fear of getting beaten up by little brother. Look at the over confident Cimson Tide in last years sugar bowl there certainly was no roll tide roll. The message was sent to pack your lunch when playing these schools.
I would like to see another Boise State VS TCU Match up,
I would like to also see Boise move into the Mountain West,
No one will play them. I almost bet Oregon thinks twice
before the scedule them again!

Any one can say These two teams need to play a tougher schedule
but I dont see a Texas, Alabama, or Florida giving them a chance,
that is why we need a playoff system! If the SEC and BIG 10 are
so tuff, give us a try!
Exactly , hard to get a tougher schedule when the big boys will not play you . You also forget one thing . It is one thing with blowout wins and that is fine and dandy but some of those schools that may not have blow out wins will just find a way to beat you period .
The power house schools do NOT want to see TCU or any other non- silver spooned school in the bowls much less a championship game . I look for things to be tweaked and twisted to keep it from happening. I wouldnot like to see Boise and TCU I want them to beat up other conferences. Plus TCU is better , although I think Boise can beat them
Boise can't get anyone to play them pre conf schedule.
TCU is a hell of a team this year, I thouroughly enjoyed watching them throttle the utes.

I wish Ajo of UNM would not of missed those 3 field goals or BYU would of went down too, that definitely would of made my weekend.
If you think TCU or Utah or Boise could go undefeated or have a 1 loss season in either the SEC or Big 12 conference you are smoking crack. So be careful what you wish for....

Yeah sure they are not the big boys' favorite opponents I'll admit but that's because their schedules are hard enough already.Can't the big boys have a tune-up game every now and then? After all,the three teams above have about 8 of 'em.Every year.
>If you think TCU or Utah
>or Boise could go undefeated
>or have a 1 loss
>season in either the SEC
>or Big 12 conference you
>are smoking crack. So be
>careful what you wish for....
>Yeah sure they are not the
>big boys' favorite opponents I'll
>admit but that's because their
>schedules are hard enough already.Can't
>the big boys have a
>tune-up game every now and
>then? After all,the three teams
>above have about 8 of
>'em.Every year.

TCU SOS this year so far is 48th, Texas is 50th so suck it. Boise St. is 91st so they can suck it too.


I live close to Ft. Worth and read the papers every day.Gary Patterson has the good sense not to complain about his position. In fact,he is happy to be right where he is because he know he would NOT be undefeated and ranked #4 in the nation with a BCS bowl bid in the offing if he were in a power conference.

You guys would do well to take your cue from him.....
He's keeping his mouth shut because that's what Utah did last year and let all those crimson tide numb nuts run their mouths. We'll see whos eating crow again after the bowls are over. I would love to see Florida beat Alabama again and then have them play TCU in a BCS bowl. How funny would that be to watch Nick Saban get his pants kicked by another MWC team. TCU is a lot faster than Utah was last year. They have the size to go along with it. Those SEC teams won't know what hit them.

It's always an adventure!!!
He's keeping his mouth shut because he doesn't have to play UT and Oklahoma and Oklahoma State and Texas Tech EVERY YEAR-oftentimes back to back to back. And that's just the way he likes it.

He sure as he!! doesn't want to play Florida and Alabama and LSU,etc.,etc.,etc. EVERY YEAR

If TCU were in the Big 12 they would be Texas Tech.And everybody knows it....including TCU.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-18-09 AT 12:05PM (MST)[p]Yep, everything is big in Texas, including egos! TCU is really good this year and don't kid yourself . . . who the hell has Texas played? I mean really, not a great SOS this year is it?

Did you really bring up Oklahoma and Oklahoma State? Now that's funny!

It's always an adventure!!!
Big 12 National Championships - 16

SEC National Championships - 16

(SEC/Big 12-4 of the last 5)

Mountain West National Championships - 1? 2? (If you count Sammy Baugh days.)
I will grant you that. A lot more NC's than the MWC will ever get. However, that's all about to change. There's a reason those dorks won't play us. Hell, Urban Meyer was quoted last year saying he didn't want to play Utah and now you know why. I will give you the fact that the SEC is more consistant at winning as far as teams like Alabama & Florida are concerned but the big 12 has sucked lately (other than Texas). You know that Stoops job is being scrutinized right now at Oklahoma. He's caused a lot of heart problems this year with those good ol Okie boys (top 4 and now not even ranked?). That just goes to show you what the national media knows about college football. The top 2 or 3 teams are usually pretty strong in the SEC but the big 12 is no different than the MWC lately. One maybe 2 teams are strong at the top and the rest are mediocre. What did I miss cbeard? Oh by the way. . . this is just a little friendly razzing.;-)

It's always an adventure!!!
I know. We're just having fun...


I really think you are mostly right on but would add that the only thing you might have missed is that if a conference is 4 or 5 teams deep with good teams their record and rankings can get a little distorted (in a negative way) as they beat up on each other.

I think the big point is that while I'll admit UT,Fla.,Ala. don't really want to play TCU/Utah/Boise if they don't have to that the smaller guys don't REALLY want to play the big guys either.

They just almost HAVE to say they do in order to gain respect and not appear unafraid. That's not true for the big boys because they are in the best position anyway so lose nothing by showing respect to the tough non-conference teams.

Heck fire I like the Frogs and hope they go unbeaten.They deserve all the attention they can get.
CBEARD , I think you are mistaken the better smaller guys do want to play the big boys The last 5 years has brought the spanning distance in conferences much closer not only in talent but in coaching and it is only going to keep getting closer.
Fact of the matter is BCS is dreading this coming Bowl season as they have the last few years . These smaller schools who may now have as much talent ect... CAN win on any given sunday and given the chance will win a bunch . Denying the chance is not right and frankly the big boys are hiding behind a bunch of skirts .
I do also admit that some of the little guys are hiding to but this would not be taking place if their was a playoff system .
We would have something else to bcth and complain about.
A playoff system would be best. Then maybe the senate can work on things that are more important than anti trust. To much money involved I guess.

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