Utah vs TCU



Predictions for the Utah/TCU game this evening? The Utes are flying on to much adrenaline. The blackout in the stands, new black jerseys, etc. I think it is close for the first half and TCU takes over in the second half but it still ends up a TCU win by 7 or less. Hoping for the Utes and Boise St. to run the table just to add more to the BCS mess.
Kudo's to Utah

First they got lucky with TCU missing 2 field goals, but when it counted and they needed a Touchdown to win they did something they couldn't do all game long. As much as it hurts (Cougar Fan) I will give credit where it is due and the did what was needed to win the game.
RE: Kudo's to Utah


I as a Cougar Fan think that it is great that Utah beat TCU!

Now all we have to do is some how on the 22nd of Nov. pull off a big win at Utah and then there will be a 3 way tie for the MWC championship. If TCU would have won last night there was nothing we could have done to get to the Championship for the 3rd streight year.

RE: Kudo's to Utah

BYU is going to have to pick up their defense in order to pull it off against Utah. It should be an even better game than TCU v. Utah.

--I'm looking for a man... who calls himself Bucho! That's all! And you had to do it, the hard way!--
RE: Kudo's to Utah

I was at the UNM/UT game the week before and though UNM gave the Utes all they could handle I figured that TCU was going to have a field day with UT. Not to be and that just goes to prove the the MWC has 3 very legit teams who can beat eachother along with anybody else out there. What I mean is there isn't a "Best " team in any order of 1,2,3 , that on any given week , any of these three teams can take their oppenent to the wood shed....
RE: Kudo's to Utah

It will be highly unlikely that the Utes move up in the polls at all. They would have to leap frog USC(unless they get beat by CAL)or hope for a major upset.

RE: Kudo's to Utah

seems to me like there has been Major Upsets every week this year. My question is how far does TCU now fall with 2 losses?

RE: Kudo's to Utah

BYU fell a long ways after losing to
TCU, so I would think they will fall
out of the top 20, but stay in.
RE: Kudo's to Utah

I think that they can. There are 4 one loss teams ranked higher than them one of which is USC that lost to an un-ranked team that Utah beat. Texas Tech still has Oklahoma State and Oklahoma and being that Texas and Oklahoma are both ranked higher than the Utes means that one of them are dropping. Anyway its of no consequence anyway because as long as they stay in the top 12 they are guaranteed a spot in a BSC bowl.
RE: Kudo's to Utah

LAST EDITED ON Nov-07-08 AT 07:00PM (MST)[p]Except Texas plays Baylor, and Oklahoma plays Texas A&M. Besides USC, only Alabama and Ohio St play ranked teams this week, and they are lower ranks than the Utes. The best shot at a upset in front of the U is Flor at Vandy. Maybe they hit #6 next week, but not this week.

RE: Kudo's to Utah

Hell sakes Utah was lucky to beat my OSU beavers.That 5 minutes after the play ended call of pass interferance was bogus. LOL! Not only that but the receiver was out of the end zone and came back in.
RE: Kudo's to Utah

They will not move up until someone above them looses.

--I'm looking for a man... who calls himself Bucho! That's all! And you had to do it, the hard way!--
RE: Kudo's to Utah

No, I agree, I didnt think that they were going to move 4 spots this week but they basically have a gimme game this week and as long as they can get out of the holy war with a win they will be top 6.

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