Utah Transfer of Public Lands Act


Long Time Member
Also known as HB148 (House Bill). A very gross simplification of this act would be that the State of Utah is demanding that the federal government relinquish ownership and control of all federally managed lands in Utah to the State of Utah. There are exceptions to "all lands" such as tribal reservations, military reservations, possibly designated wilderness areas, and a few others. Proponents claim that in the enabling act of Utah (and most other western states) the federal government should have given the lands to the states but has not lived up to that. Here are some good links to the details of what's going on with this bill and the Utah Public Lands Initiative. These are mostly in favor but I am in no way biased in that direction.





If you google either Utah HB148, Utah Transfer of Public Lands Act, or Utah Public Lands Initiative you will see many many articles both for and against this transfer. This transfer, if it were to tak place has far reaching effects on all sorts of things including hunting public lands. Several other states have taken Utah's lead on this including Nevada, Idaho and others.

So what's everyone think? How much have you even heard?

I don't make the soup, I just stir it.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-14-13 AT 11:13AM (MST)[p]As I see it, if the State ends up with it you'll see a wholesale transfer of this land into private hands and the only way to get a deer tag will be from a landowner. The cwmu will reign as King and we'll all suffer for it!
Let's get real here, the State really doesn't want to manage the land. They want to sell it and have a big windfall.
I'm far from a Federal Gov proponent but the system has been working for sportsmen and the State will just screw it up.
Just my 2 cents,
This might be the only time in my life where I prefer something ran by the FED! This bill can't happen!!!!!
+100 Zeke

Traditional >>>------->
>FED! This bill can't happen!!!!!
>+100 Zeke
That bill has ALREADY happened!!!!! Its law. The state of Utah is demanding the feds give the state the public lands of Utah. You need to get informed and get involved.

I don't make the soup, I just stir it.
Arizona passed a similar bill as well.

The State can demand anything. The Fed's thumbed their nose at them.

Didn't a Federal court already throw out Utah's bill (issued a temporary injunction pending final ruling)? Nobody believes this bill will pass Constitutional muster. It was simply grandstanding.

The Feds can't give this or any other land up. They've used it for collateral(sp?)to sell bonds to China.
This is Old News!

But Thanks Manny!

I used to know of places worth Hiking in to for Elk & Deer!
Thanks to Illegal Bastards & the USFS not enforcing Rules you can Zing in to them Places on Wheelers now & not see a Damn thing!
But by GAWD it don't take long for them U-Tards to get there with all the Unethical BS and the New Technology!
>That bill has ALREADY happened!!!!! Its
>law. The state of Utah
>is demanding the feds give
>the state the public lands
>of Utah. You need to
>get informed and get involved.

Well, aren't we a dumbazz bunch of dudes!
You're right.
Not necessarily. Its still alive and well.

I was at a meeting where an individual affiliated with American Lands Council made the following argument.

"Yet today, the federal government controls only 3 percent of North Dakota, but more than 65 percent of Utah. Both states have abundant natural resources, but only North Dakota is able to manage the multiple-use and natural resources of its lands.

On funding for public schools, Utah is $4.4 billion behind North Dakota, and $2.2 billion below the national average. North Dakota boasts an average class size of 11.6 pupils per teacher, while Utah is 23.7 to 1, perpetually last in the nation."


When I asked the presenter what percentage of North Dakota was PRIVATE land, he either couldn't, or didn't, answer. Well, the answer is something like 95% of North Dakota is private land. Land the public does not have access to.

Don't be too quick to write this off. Its a real threat with real wings. Trust me.

Grizzly you may be referring to this injunction. Its a step in the right direction but doesn't end the Transfer demand. It had more to do with police powers of feds.

Here's a good article.

I don't make the soup, I just stir it.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-14-13 AT 01:33PM (MST)[p]
Old news Bess? Old but not over. Wanna make a bet?
http://governor.utah.gov/PublicLands/Documents/2013 Ownership of Public Lands.pdf

That ain't very old. And since states like Nevada are just getting started down this road I guarantee it ain't over. Nevada Counties have been given the task of coming up with a plan by Sept 2014. And they are flying on the wings of Utah.

I don't make the soup, I just stir it.
>AT 01:33?PM (MST)

>Old news Bess? Old but not
>over. Wanna make a bet?
>http://governor.utah.gov/PublicLands/Documents/2013 Ownership of Public Lands.pdf
>That ain't very old. And since
>states like Nevada are just
>getting started down this road
>I guarantee it ain't over.
>Nevada Counties have been given
>the task of coming up
>with a plan by Sept
>2014. And they are flying
>on the wings of Utah.
>I don't make the soup, I
>just stir it.





One Day ZIGGER tells everybody on MM I'm the Oldest Bastard around!

The next Day you tell me I Ain't very Old!


Which is it?

I used to know of places worth Hiking in to for Elk & Deer!
Thanks to Illegal Bastards & the USFS not enforcing Rules you can Zing in to them Places on Wheelers now & not see a Damn thing!
But by GAWD it don't take long for them U-Tards to get there with all the Unethical BS and the New Technology!
I'll give Nevada some advice NVB!

Just cuzz TARDville does something doesn't mean it's right!

So be very Careful about following what the Idiots in this State do!

I used to know of places worth Hiking in to for Elk & Deer!
Thanks to Illegal Bastards & the USFS not enforcing Rules you can Zing in to them Places on Wheelers now & not see a Damn thing!
But by GAWD it don't take long for them U-Tards to get there with all the Unethical BS and the New Technology!
People have been pressing for this in NV as well. I am against the land coming into state control. People have also been pushing for it to come into private hands as well.

1. Our state is broke
2. Ranchers and mines have lots of money
3. Several ranchers and a couple mines could put the state in the black for a long time with the stroke of a pen.
4. The sportsman who owns a house in town, enjoys spending time in the millions of acres of currently public lands minutes from his home, and who can't afford to buy a ranch, gets SCREWED.

That is all. Most of the push for this is from ranchers and mines. Think about it. We complain about getting a deer tag now, wait until that happens.

It's Perty Simple!

Our Government/USFS is Broke!

More than Broke!

Selling it to the State/States would only take a Couple Years to Completely Destroy it All!

Thanks for your STUPID Votes Slick/440/piper & Others!

This President You Voted in(And I'll remind you 'Twice'!) has really got us in a Jam!

Now Canadian Money is Worth more than Ours,GEEZUS!

I used to know of places worth Hiking in to for Elk & Deer!
Thanks to Illegal Bastards & the USFS not enforcing Rules you can Zing in to them Places on Wheelers now & not see a Damn thing!
But by GAWD it don't take long for them U-Tards to get there with all the Unethical BS and the New Technology!
LAST EDITED ON Nov-14-13 AT 04:50PM (MST)[p]>
>Selling it to the State/States would
>only take a Couple Years
>to Completely Destroy it All!

Selling it to the states???? The states aren't asking to pay for it.

>Thanks for your STUPID Votes Slick/440/piper
>& Others!
>This President You Voted in(And I'll
>remind you 'Twice'!) has really
>got us in a Jam!

This movement to take the public back from the feds has NOTHING to do with the current President. This is a VERY Republican movement. Utah's own State Rep. Ken Ivory is a major mastermind behind this movement. Don't try to make it an Obama thing.


That doesn't exactly sound like an old news issue.


I don't make the soup, I just stir it.
This Shitt's been Stirrin here for Quite some time NVB!

Who the Hell knows what's gonna Happen!

Before We were overwhelmed with Demo's/Anti's/Greenies/JACKASS Politicians I mighta been able to Predict the Outcome!

Not anymore though!

That was Proved in the Last 2 Elections!

We are in big trouble!

I used to know of places worth Hiking in to for Elk & Deer!
Thanks to Illegal Bastards & the USFS not enforcing Rules you can Zing in to them Places on Wheelers now & not see a Damn thing!
But by GAWD it don't take long for them U-Tards to get there with all the Unethical BS and the New Technology!

I used to know of places worth Hiking in to for Elk & Deer!
Thanks to Illegal Bastards & the USFS not enforcing Rules you can Zing in to them Places on Wheelers now & not see a Damn thing!
But by GAWD it don't take long for them U-Tards to get there with all the Unethical BS and the New Technology!
Once again I guess the Majority Vote won't matter?

I used to know of places worth Hiking in to for Elk & Deer!
Thanks to Illegal Bastards & the USFS not enforcing Rules you can Zing in to them Places on Wheelers now & not see a Damn thing!
But by GAWD it don't take long for them U-Tards to get there with all the Unethical BS and the New Technology!
If Utah wants the land its either to sell off or have the Schools control it. OMG School District CMWU's for the highest bidders. 'Really people it's for the children". Gag gag puke!
Right on Stonefly!

That's how they get away with Raising Taxes around here/and other BS every time!

They Drag the Schools in to it!

I used to know of places worth Hiking in to for Elk & Deer!
Thanks to Illegal Bastards & the USFS not enforcing Rules you can Zing in to them Places on Wheelers now & not see a Damn thing!
But by GAWD it don't take long for them U-Tards to get there with all the Unethical BS and the New Technology!

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