Utah to the Pac-10


Active Member
It's still not official, but let's just say I got the "inside" scoop. This will be officially announced on Wednesday. Sorry if I ruined any suspense, but we kind of all knew this would probably happen. They will be there beginning in 2012...unless the Mayans were right.
talk about dragging the pac-10 down. they'll compete with washington state for worst in the leage.

KB - you don't have a clue.

Have you seen Utah's record against the Pac-10 over the past 10 years KB??

Actually going back to 1996 they are 9 - 8 against the Pac-10 and there were some pretty lean years in there for the Utes, but they had victories in that time period over USC, Washington State (during the Mike Price era - when they were good) , Oregon State, Oregon, Cal and Arizona.

Just in the last 10 years though their record is 7-7 and since 2003 that record is 6 - 3, and they really should have beaten Oregon last year.

So to say they will be that bad it just plain stupid.

Utah is a force in college football today and will continue to be so for the time being. If they enter the Pac-10, it will not only be good for them but the entire conference.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
+1 Roy. CO and UT will fit in great. Both states rock in my book and they will be competitive. Too bad Texass and gang didn't jump ship, but these two will be a good start. I hope the TV contracts work out and UT can put together a good travel contingency, otherwise they will bring the Pac down instead of up in revenue potential. They have to be appealing to the average football fan and travel with a ton of fans. After all it is ALL about $$$.

Utah is entering at a good time, USC will still be be "down" from their sanctions. I expect the Utes to compete well, and be in the top 4 in the conference every year.

>KB - you don't have a
>Have you seen Utah's record against
>the Pac-10 over the past
>10 years KB??
>Actually going back to 1996 they
>are 9 - 8 against
>the Pac-10 and there were
>some pretty lean years in
>there for the Utes, but
>they had victories in that
>time period over USC, Washington
>State (during the Mike Price
>era - when they were
>good) , Oregon State, Oregon,
>Cal and Arizona.
>Just in the last 10 years
>though their record is 7-7
>and since 2003 that record
>is 6 - 3, and
>they really should have beaten
>Oregon last year.
>So to say they will be
>that bad it just plain
>Utah is a force in college
>football today and will continue
>to be so for the
>time being. If they enter
>the Pac-10, it will not
>only be good for them
>but the entire conference.
>Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

didn't you see the "J/K" at the end?:) i knew i could get a couple utahans going.

i think it would be great really. they need a better conference to get notoriaty (sp??), pack 10 needs better competiton to keep us honest- meaning not being able to say were great, then getting thumped by another conference. i wish Utah AND Boise ST. would join. that would make one heck of a conference wouldn't it?
Nice call bayside. They just announced it. Personally I would rather road trip to UT and CO over any current Pac team. Love those Mtns.

Much congrats to UofU for its invitation to the PAC. My hope is that they will continue to kick PAC butt, and that being in different conferences will help tone down some of the stupidity between Utah and BYU... ;-)
Football team is solid, but the basketball team is the sh-ts! But then again, the Pac hasn't been dominant in basketball anyways.
>Much congrats to UofU for its
>invitation to the PAC.
>My hope is that they
>will continue to kick PAC
>butt, and that being in
>different conferences will help tone
>down some of the stupidity
>between Utah and BYU...

It does get to be to much at times, I guess Max Hall hates me.
Utah will be lucky to finsh with 3 wins in this league!!! They might be good against pac 10 teams once a year but playing a pac 10 team every week is totally different. Bad decision for Utah.
I think with the Utes being in the Pac-10 they will be more attractive as far as recruits. I see them getting even better talent in the future. Good move for the U of U.
It's okay. I hate all the stupid fans too--you know, all the butt hurt ones on both sides that try to make it into some sort of religious war and then get their feelings hurt. Makes me embarrassed to admit that I went to and worked at both schools. At least being here in NM I don't have to tolerate that crap quite so much...
A Utah Man Am I! Absolutely fan-damn-tastic. As a business move, you couldn't make a better decision. They are estimating that by moving to the PAC 10 that Utah will increase their TV revenue 10 times. That means they go from 1.2 million to over 10 million. Some are saying that the PAC 10 is putting together a TV deal that will exceed 15 million for each school. Tell me how that's a bad decision. The only people that don't like this move are some sorry ass BYU fans that can't handle Utah having something a lot better than they've got. I can't wait for Fall 2011!

It's always an adventure!!!
>A Utah Man Am I!
>Absolutely fan-damn-tastic. As a
>business move, you couldn't make
>a better decision. They
>are estimating that by moving
>to the PAC 10 that
>Utah will increase their TV
>revenue 10 times. That
>means they go from 1.2
>million to over 10 million.
> Some are saying that
>the PAC 10 is putting
>together a TV deal that
>will exceed 15 million for
>each school. Tell me
>how that's a bad decision.
> The only people that
>don't like this move are
>some sorry ass BYU fans
>that can't handle Utah having
>something a lot better than
>they've got. I can't
>wait for Fall 2011!
>It's always an adventure!!!

He ll ya and AMEN !!!!!!!!!!!!
Utah will do just fine in this league. Will they get tougher hell yes because this league is tougher BUT I think they are up for it. They have been at the top of their football game for a lot of years. I welcome them to the PAC 12

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
LAST EDITED ON Jun-18-10 AT 11:21AM (MST)[p]The move alone to the better conference will give Utah an edge in recruiting in Utah, California, Idaho and Arizona over BYU. I think the only way for BYU and Boise to compete now is to move to the Big 12.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
The only problem there Roy is they won't get invited. No one want a religous school and Boise is too small and too new of a football school. I love Boise, but it ain't gunna happen.

I like that they are going to the Pac-10. Honestly I think anyone would be out of there mind to turn down more money, better teams (generally), and over all a chance in the actual BCS world...awesome!
I see good things happening for the Utes. Think about this, TCU goes to the Big 12 leaving BYU and BSU alone in the MWC, that would doom any chance for an automatic bid into the BCS. Then again who cares? GO UTES!!!!!!
LAST EDITED ON Jun-18-10 AT 07:53PM (MST)[p]And another good thing about this whole deal is that the Yewts and Cougars will still play each other every year in the Vegas Bowl. Mtn Wests best against the Pacs 5th or so!!!!
Care to wager on that one 2buck? Like I said, the only ones that are negative about this one are the SORRY ASS BYU fans that have a jealous streak in them a mile wide. In case you don't know who you are; you are the same ones that thought Utah was going to get blown off the field by Alabama in the Sugar Bowl. Oh, and you're probably the same ones that still have your Robby Bosco poster on your wall from the 1984 (damn, they are the only undefeated team in the country so I guess we have to give it to them) "national championship" season. Did that about cover it?

It's always an adventure!!!
Compared to todays championship game the 1984 championship was a joke. It is much more difficult today. BCS games Utah 2-0, BYU where have you been?
A-lot of thought about the football program and I think they will do fine. My concern is the basketball program and how it will do in the next 2-5 years. The Pac 10 has some great b ball teams.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-19-10 AT 12:41PM (MST)[p]I am not one of those sorry ass BYU fans of which you speak Bull.
I am only saying that your Yewts will not be going to the BCS anytime soon with the new division they are in. I am just a realist my friend. Yes I agree that they have played their way into the Pac 12, but it will be some time before they are in the top third of Pac 12 teams. I don't focus my time on a National Championship that was won in 1984 either. I actually picked your Yewts to beat Bama too. They had one hell of a good team a couple years ago. So all that you figure that I was, you are wrong. You are probably still stewing about the fact that Max Hall hates you though. And from what I have read of your posts, I can tell that this post will drum up "A Whole Lott A Bull" from you soon.
>I see good things happening for
>the Utes. Think about this,
>TCU goes to the Big
>12 leaving BYU and
>BSU alone in the MWC,
>that would doom any chance
>for an automatic bid into
>the BCS. Then again who
>cares? GO UTES!!!!!!

No major conference is looking at, or will look at TCU. Schools that don't regularly sell out a tiny stadium have ZERO appeal to an AQ conference.

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