Utah - Timp/Nebo Sheep Status



Haven't heard any updates since the die off here a few years back. Just wondering whats going on with these herds if any survived and what the current status is. If I recall "Little Bighorn" had some info on here several years back. Just curious about them and hoping it wasn't a total loss.
Anybody know anything?


It's pretty sad actually
At one point I think there were at least 120 sheep between AF Canyon and Springville, and that's not including the Nebo herd, But in one years time the majority of the Northern bunch died. I can only assume someone's pet domestic wandered in and infected the herd, but I haven't heard anything definite from the DWR.
About 3 weeks ago I saw 2 rams, 6 ewes and a lamb that were hanging out on the golf course in Cedar Hills. The one ram was a long horned 7 year old. I looked some on the north side of the road where I have seen a few in the past, but didn't find any.
I don't know anything recent about the Provo herd, but last time I looked (3 years ago) I found one lone ram.
At one point the study on them showed they were struggling with lamb survival, presuming too much predation in that oak brush country but the big crash was a disease event.
As I said, I don't know anything about the Sheep they translocated on the Nebo, but I expect that they are not doing well either.
I had great hopes they would establish and it looked real promising for about four or five years. Unfortunately I think the cards are stacked against them being this close to human influences.

Above is a photo I took in 2008 of an infected ram above Springville. Notice the area under his nose and above his mouth. One can clearly see his time was short. It's sad that sheep can't exist alongside domestic live stock, but their immune systems just can't handle that.

Have a good one. BB
Another great/sad photo Billy,
At one time there were at least a half dozen rams of that caliber hanging in the mouth of AF canyon.
I have been watching 2 young rams on the face of Nebo. Looked healthy but I haven't seen any others
It was always fun to buzz down after work for a few minutes staring through my binos at this herd... Sad as to what the status is now. Thanks for sharing this harsh but reality photo with us.
Maybe one day things will change for this herd, I am keeping my fingers crossed!

These are 2 i walked up on last year on Timp. This is a cell pic from about 75 yards away. They were bedded down just off the side of a small ledge by the trail.



This was Aug of 2012
I watch 2 Rams near Springville every winter.
There were 4 several years ago, now 2. They are both about 7.

I did see 14 ewes in the area last year, but have not look hard this year.
I have seen one young ram and three ewes just North of Baldy on brush mountain. They have been there all winter.
It is good to hear there are a few scattered groups but sparse numbers don't bode well for the future. Anyone have a report on the Nebo herd?
Sad to hear about this. I grew up in Provo but now live in Manti. We lived up on the foothills of squaw peak and we would often have sheep in our yard. It's sad to hear that may not be the case anymore.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-27-13 AT 12:42PM (MST)[p]>Sad to hear about this.
>I grew up in Provo
>but now live in Manti.
> We lived up on
>the foothills of squaw peak
>and we would often have
>sheep in our yard.
>It's sad to hear that
>may not be the case

Crimedog - I grew up in that area too (Indian Hills) and now live on the Oak Hills side. How long ago did you live there? Maybe we know each other....send me a PM.


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