Utah, the happiest state to live in.



I just read an article on MSN that says UTAH is the happiest state. I also read last week that Utahn's have a higher percentage of people that pay for more online porn sites than other states too. Coincidence, I think not. BEHOLD THE POWER OF PORN.
I think it is several issues...

side effect of green Jello
side effect from Funeral Potatoes
#1 in the nation for Valium Prescriptions
Beleaving that we have the Greatest Snow on Earth

now are we laughing so much from happiness or is it the maniac laughter caused by being insane????
I love funeral potatoes. Call me crazy, but I make them even if theres not a funeral. Not a fan of green jello. Was given a valium once, did nothing for me. I think its funny that a lot of people who aren't mormon dont know what funeral potatoes are. They have probably ate them, but didn't know what they're called.
SOOOOOO???? whats a funeral potato? [ i'm not a moron] [[oohps, Mormon]] :) just kidding. but i dont know what funeral potatos are?
potatoes cut into little cubes, cheese, and crushed corn flakes on top, baked in the oven. dang good.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-11-09 AT 08:54PM (MST)[p]I think by "happy" they meant gay?


What ARE funeral potatoes? Edit: Thanks doityourself

Talk about a bunch of morons! Funeral potatoes are hash browns cooked in sour cream with cheese and corn flakes sprinkled on top. If you have ever been to a funeral in Utah, you have had funeral potatoes & ham. The relief society ladies cook up this specialty for family members and friends at every funeral period.

Carry on!

fry scauce is another mormon favorite. i showed a waiter in Kansas how to make it, she thought it was the best thing scince sliced bread!
I find myself at a complete loss for words at the thought of corn flakes, potatoes, sour cream and a funeral.

Does the casket serve as the buffet table?
Reddog, Fry scauce is the best, I had a cousin that grew up in PA, he came and spent the summer with us one year and we showed him fryscause, he had never heard of it. lol

And Funeral potatos are so good..... makes me hungry just thinking about em.

Jake H. MM Member since 1999.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-13-09 AT 01:37AM (MST)[p]thats funny about the fry scauce, i never new untill i started traveling around that it was a ut,id,and parts of nv and wy thing. i finaly found out when i asked for it at a fast food joint back east, when they said they had never heard of it i thought they were screwing with me, who the hell aint heard of fry scauce i thought?
Gag! I would NEVER put cornflake crumbs on my funeral potatoes! That is just soooooo old school Molly Mo cooking.

And there is more to the perfect pan of funeral potatoes than just hash browns, sour cream and cheese! Here's how *I* make them and my way is the best.

1 bag, diced potatoes O'Brien(any other kind just suck)
8 oz sr. cream (or less)
2 cans cream of chicken soup
shredded cheese
garlic salt

Mix, bake for 45-60 min, and enjoy (put cornflake crumbs on top if you must but, BLEECH!)

If you really want some crunchy topping try onion straws or crushed up chips...not nasty ol' Corn flakes.

Alot of my non-Mormon friends around the country call them Party Potatoes or Yummy Potatoes. They're far less morbid than us LDS folks, I guess.
I'm still in giggle mode over this thred.

I thank 3K for the recipe, and the Corn Flakes are out!

I guess I'll be the one to ask the 2 questions still up in the air (to me anyway).

One, how does a funeral relate to all this?

And, lastly, what is fry sauce?

Who, exactly, are you people? Irish? They have a wake, you have a bake?

I know, that's 3 questions.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-13-09 AT 01:54PM (MST)[p]>
>One, how does a funeral relate
>to all this?
>And, lastly, what is fry sauce?
> Who, exactly, are you people?
>Irish? They have a wake,
>you have a bake?
LOL wake & bake! That's funny! Kinda like that though. Although some of the people I know around here who have wakes come door to door asking for money so they can buy door prizes to give out at the wake. To me, that's much weirder than providing a meal at the church for a family after a sad funeral.

The LDS church has a women's organization called The Relief Society. It was started in 1842 to help provide relief of the poor and needy. The duties of the Relief Society have expanded over the years and one of those jobs is to provide compassionate services when someone passes away. Relief society members organize an after funeral meal, served at the church after burial services, for families of the deceased. They call on other members of the church in that community (it's called a ward...geographical area of people that attend services together) to bring food to feed folks and one of the most popular dishes to bring is Funeral Potatoes (not to be confused with "Mormon potatoes" which are food storage pebbles of dehydrated mashed potatoes that turn back into mashed potatoes when you add water and are really, really yummy, btw).

Oh...and fry sauce...that's just ketchup and mayo mixed together. You dip your fries in it! Some people can't live without it. If you use Miracle Whip instead of mayo though...that's even more gross. lol
Sorry Jenn - you gotta have the corn flakes on the top! I have had the chips on top - too salty and the chips get soggy. The cornflakes get nice and crunchy. But if you are out of Corn Flakes and don't want to run to the store on Sunday, don't use Frosted Flakes! Not the same at all!

And usually after the funeral there is a dinner becuase it is customary for family members, relatives and friends to fast for 24 hours prior to the funeral. So the Relief Society provides a meal so the grieving family can focus on grieving and not on cooking. It is quite nice. But not only that - from almost the moment the news of the death in the family hits the local wires - (There are three ways to communicate in Mormon society - TELEphone TELEgraph and TELL the Relief Society President) - the food starts rolling in! Some good stuff too! Stuff you only get when people die - lots of cassroles and ham - stuff to feed a lot of people. Chicken Cacciatore, Ham and Broccoli Cheesy Potato Casserole, Chicken and Mushroom Rice Casserole (chicken and rice baked with a can of mushroom soup), 3 Bean Casserole (never liked it - but you can count on it being there for every funeral - in fact I think the RS has someone specifically called to have one ready at all times She is the Compassionate Services Co-Director over Three Bean Casseroles) and inevitably someone will always bring a bucket of KFC and a Pizza. Also there are lots of cakes, brownies and other desserts! When I was a kid, we had quite a few people in our family die over a short span of years, an aunt, 3 great uncles, 2 grandpa's, a cousin's baby and some other friends. For a fat kid - it was actually a pretty good time! If you could get past all the chain-smoking-toddy-drinking-jack-Mormon Aunt and Great Aunt too-much-make-up kisses and hugs and some crying - it was quite the smorgasbord!

Oh and it is the same for child birth too - three to five days in some cases! I guess we just want each other to know that whether you are coming in to this world or going out of it, there is no reason to do so hungry!

Just another reason (besides the porn) that Utah is the happiest state!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
My thanks to Jenn and Roy.

Now it all makes perfect sense.

Your "fry sauce" is the same as Thousand Island dressing, without the relish.

Always good to learn something about other peoples history.

The downside here; the enlightenment has removed the avenues to humor.

BTW, I also do not like 3 bean salad or Miracle Whip.

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