Utah tag #'s pre-game show

Thanks for the info, I wish my boy was still in the youth any bull tags option, they went from 300 to 500!
LAST EDITED ON Mar-20-15 AT 10:08AM (MST)[p]This is messed up, so youth elk goes from 300 to 500 in the early hunt. Then they decide to cut the late hunt by 25%. The late hunt went from 20 down to 15. I wasted my $10 putting my nephew in for the late hunt. This is why they should post tag #'s before we put in for the hunts.
>AT 10:08?AM (MST)

>This is messed up, so youth
>elk goes from 300 to
>500 in the early hunt.
> Then they decide to
>cut the late hunt by
>25%. The late hunt
>went from 20 down to
>15. I wasted my
>$10 putting my nephew in
>for the late hunt.
>This is why they should
>post tag #'s before we
>put in for the hunts.

Yep, I couldn't agree more.
We need the projected numbers BEFORE the application deadline to make an educated decision. Even that article didn't disclose the meat of the tag distributions, split seasons, new hunt numbers, new LE tag numbers. The information was just too vague and general but at least it would have helped a little if we'd have had it before the deadline.
It's a crap-shoot every year!
But F&G wouldn't get your money. if they posted that info b4 the draws.

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